Soon after this, there was a series of events in quick succession that culminated in my deliberate decision to quit participating in the charade of being an "Elder".
Ms Harper had been dealing with some minor health issues, and it was a little stressful, mentally and monetarily on the family. We don't have Health Insurance, so everything was out-of-pocket. In so doing, I was working extra, and she was unable to get out much do to some minor surgery, healing, the usual stuff. Her "hours" suffered, she was now a "low hour publisher". Given the circumstances at the moment, completely understandable!
Time for a CO visit, and the brother that showed up was a substitute, a fella about my age, and a real asswipe. His crap didnt stink, and he knew it all about it all! He was friends with alot of other old-timers, and was a little golden-child that could do no wrong. No kids, just him and his wife, reveling in his new "power" position.
Ok, so I sign up to go with him in service on Saturday, there's a few things I want to confide in him, maybe he can help alleviate some of my concerns and pressures.
Our BRIEF conversations ended up being about what I NEEDED TO DO, and that OBVIOUSLY, Ms Harper and I werent PRAYING ENOUGH, and not going out in FS ENOUGH!
I was soooo mad I could spit. Rather than offer to help, or attemp to understand our personal situations, all he could do was spout rules and regulations, and dictate what we weren't doing.
Later in the week, at the Friday Elder's meeting, he made a complete ass of himself.... He went around the room and asked EACH brother to explain his schedule for Family Study, and why it wasnt up to "standards". He made comments about how you couldn't be on an assembly program if your hair was too short...... what??? There were plenty more of these types of personal comments that were given the stamp of "law", and counsel. Many of the brothers were extremely uncomfortable, but none really said anything. It went on and on like this for 2 hours, and I was sick and tired of it. I could feel my blood pressure rising.......This boob was using his position to make personal attacks in an attempt to elevate himself.
Fortunately, our evening of fun ended soon after that, and we left. Feeling like we had just been whipped like stray dogs, several brothers decided to decline the invitation to attend Field Service on Saturday, myself included.
I went home and told Ms Harper all that had occured. I told her right then and there.............. "I am done with this. I cannot serve with these brothers."
It took only a few short months after that before I worked up the nerve to follow through with my decision, but honestly, it was the best decision I have made in a long time.
I know I am leaving out alot of details, but they will come to me in time, and I will help fill in the blanks as we go along.