Hampersterbait, after reflecting on your comment for a bit.....you are 100% correct. I AM resentful, and bent out of shape a little bit that they have left us alone. I will admit it, freely.
But you see, therein lies the hypocrisy. They arent "supposed" to leave you alone. They arent doing their HolySpirit-Appointed job. And THAT is what makes me angry...the pure hypocrisy, sillyness, and stupidity of it all. If you dont serve the interests of, and cower in front of the congregation, or the elders, or the organization as a whole, then you are nothing.
Myself and my family are not DF, or DA, no JC, or restrictions, or anything.... we just "do less". We do what we want, when we want. That's it! Still, its enough out of "line" to be labeled as "lacking spiritually", or "non-appreciative of spiritual provisions". Gag.
Sure, it still hurts. Especially after so many years being a "front man" myself. Thats what conditional approval for so many years does to a person's psyche. People who claim to be the "happiest people in the world", or the "most loving brotherhood ANYWHERE"... they are not, and they dont. I know I am not alone in this observation. They honestly dont know HOW to be real friends, or even to REALLY care in a way that goes beyond the obvious.
There are a few families that I really do/did care about. And now, they continue to just be busy with whatever WT tells them, and they are oblivious to the reality surrounding them. Gotta go pass out more "god-given" district convention invites! (Last week, at the Service Meeting, the elder giving the part said that G-HOVAH PROVIDED THESE FINE INVITATIONS FOR US TO USE!!) No time for social activities!
I guess its all part of the process though. Do I care what the elders do? Not as much as I used to, and less and less every day. Someday soon, I wont care at all. Its all a part of rebuilding myself, and continuing this journey wherever it may take me and my family.