I live in an area where wildfires are a serious threat every summer. Our town is pretty small, some of the nearby towns are a little bigger. Anyways, last year, the city planning department asked the COBE if the local KH and parking lot could be used in an emergency, for shelter, storage of equipment (parking lot is pretty big), etc. They really like the fact that our seats are all moveable... so they could pull them all out and have one large room if needed. Now, granted, this would be in the event of a MAJOR local disaster, more than likely fire related.
Being that the town is small, and most people know one another, including the "brothers", the elders told them that it shouldnt be a problem, and that a "great community witness" would surely occur if such a thing were to happen. They were a little giddy about being asked to provide such a service to the locals.
Then they sent word to headquarters, just to confirm. And you can guess what happened next. WT sent out word.... "absolutely NOT". The usual replies with "liability", "insurance" , "we already provide a GREAT service to the community", blah blah blah. So the brothers had to go back to the city and rescind the offer. They were pretty embarrassed.
It was really sad, just sad.