You missed the background because I haven't really posted anywhere in any definitive post what's going on. I've spread my story around in various posts all over the forum. Every time I begin to write my story, I delete it. I am just too ashamed. The guilt consumes me, and I don't dare to openly complain against my husband (soon to be ex husband) on this public forum in one fell swoop.
Why would I do this?....
Because he refuses to accept any responsibility for the physical and emotional abuse that took place the last 2 years of the relationship. He won't talk about it, barely acknowledges it, only to say that I exaggerate or that he really didn't do anything, that it was all of my fault in the first place. he doesn't even come close to accepting or knowing just how sick and twisted JWism is, even though he himself is df'd. I am stuck. I can't find a way to fix things at all. I've tried examining things from so many different angles and approaching him with all of them. He knocks each one down. He won't come back.
And, since he is placing the fault on me, shouldn't I just accept it as a submissive wife? Since he is wanting a divorce from me, shouldn't I comply as a submissive wife?
The fact of the matter is that the depression I am suffering is so bad that I just missed a major deadline for very important paperwork. And even though I found a way around it today, I can't even manage to muster the will to begin the process of complying with requirements for this deadline. And I have to-- for the future of my girls, and for my own sake as well.... But I'm stuck, I don't know know how. I need a push, but from where? Who will help me?... I need to move on from this mess, and he is requiring it from me. Life is requiring it from me.
He refuses to go to marriage counseling, even though I have repeatedly begged him to go with me now for 2 years. We went four times, wayyyyy in the beginning of the end, and after each of those four times he either got drunk, destroyed furniture, turned against me violently, or insulted me so badly I was left to pieces. I keep thinking that maybe, just maybe, if we were to talk about what happened, what went wrong, that we could work things out and be a family again. It's just not going to happen. I don't know how to make it happen.
I'm pulled into this cycle where I interpret a look from him as longing for me. A different tone in his voice means that he misses me. He insists they don't mean those things. That he wants absolutely nothing to do with me. He flirts with me. He tried to sext me. Then the next day is, it was a horrible joke or a terrible misunderstanding. Why do I take things so seriously? Because I want my family, and I want my marriage. I'm being toyed with. I need to accept that.
Basically, he wants to blame me entirely. Everything he does can be explained away. My actions, my explanations-- they are all excuses. And as a submissive wife, I have to take the blame. It will be my last act as a JW. That's what he wants, and because I love him, I will give it to him.
Makes no sense, I know....