I thought we had seen the last of the self appointed new governing body, with a direct conduit to the goddess in the sky and the ONLY correct interpretation of scripture and prophecy where ALL that came before them - for 2000 years and including popes and Billy Graham - couldn't figure these things out, missed their prophetic announcements by a thousand miles, and/or finally gave up trying to figure these nonsensical things out.
But apparently I was wrong. Dummfukk thinks he has the correct interpretation of the great gooogly moooogly, I mean scriptural interpretation.
Just when I think the intelligence level on this site can't get any fukking lower. . . . .
The batting average of ALL who came before the Great and Powerful Prologos (is that a presumptuous sounding name or what? It can be the prolog to a play, a 20th Century book, or it can be of or about Legend. Methinks it is the latter) is ZERO.
Or, for the mathematically inclined: 0.000000000000000000000000000000000 square
But prologos has the correct answer. All hail Prologos. He is our new, though self appointed, sage, visionary and prophet.