Several difficulties come to mind
As excellent as Zev’s website is; the truth of the matter is most brain dead Dubs will not accept photo copies off of an evil apostate website. (sorry Zev) Something has to trigger a small part of their brain first before they are willing to venture into such scary places. Something must touch them personally before they will let themselves see the truth about "the truth"
Time is an enemy of issues such as this. The UN continuously updates their website. That means less and less proof about the involvement of the WT with the UN is available on the UN’s non-apostate website. The trail is getting cold. Soon there will not be any hard evidence for a curious J-dub to see. Few J-dubs would ever go to the extreme measures that Zev went to in order to research such a rumor (and that is what this issue is becoming).
Case in point. It is becoming more difficult to prove the Holocaust. The ‘proof’ of eyewitnesses is dwindling as each year more victims die. That is why Steven Spielberg filmed hundreds of interviews of survivors. To preserve the proof.
I agree that a copy of the application for NGO affiliation dated in 1991-1992 would be extremely valuable but it may be impossible to obtain. Why would the UN keep such a thing? Do you have that old employment application you filled out in 1992? How could they know that in 10 years it would be a hot item with thousands of disaffected J-dubs trying to get a copy? I am amazed that Zev was able to find a brochure from 1994.
You do not need to be a UN insider to use the library. No matter what the WT says. Anyone in the world can gain access to archived material. Contact the UN and find out how you can go about it. They will send information to a regional university library for you to look at and copy. How much information you collect depends on your own determination and motivation.