There was a civil rights leader who one time stated that what his movement needed was people "with soft hearts and strong minds." I think this is similar to the child abuse situation in the organization today (and in compensation for past abuse). Of course, anyone with a heart will grieve and be angered by any act of child molestation or abuse. It's sickening what has happened, and it's sickening to see how the Society "covered their asses" instead of helping abused victims and demanding justice fully. I'm with you and Bill Bowen on that 100%.
But, it seems that the latter part of what that civil rights leader said is sometimes missing in this sensitive issue -- "strong minds." You see, this controversy needs backing by people who can see issues clearly, without exaggeration and without resorting to juvenile behavior. Juvenile behavior? Yes. Take Bill Bowens sensational letter to the GB calling them all to a hearing to be disfellowshipped (this from a DFd man!). Or his accusations stating that a number of men including Ted Jaracz, Fred Franz and other GB members all were child sexual abusers. That could be true but, honestly, it's quite far-fetched. Or maybe we can bring up his comments about Ray Franz...no, I'll stop where I'm at.
I give credit where credit is due. Bill Bowen deserves credit for helping abuse victims and bringing this "secret" issue open to the public. Richard Nixon deserves credit for ending the war in Vietnam and opening up talks with China. But, just because a person deserves commendation for things he does right does not mean that he cannot be criticised -- at times harshly -- for things he has done wrong. That's where I stand on this issue.
PS -- My comments regarding Bowen and the gloved one were obviously meant as humor given the direction in which the thread was moving at the time.