Reduce your access to it by getting rid of all/most of the bottles you might have around the house and buying less when you go grocery shopping.
Posts by Laika
Serious subject - How to cut your alcohol consumption?
by quellycatface in.
how can i cut down without going teetotal?
i love the taste of wine, i'm not fussed with other drinks but just need to rein in it a bit.. going wine-free tonight and tomorrow, as i'm out socially.. i also need to shift a few pounds.. thank you, everyone..
An important difference between atheists and true believers
by Hortensia intrue believers, whether christian, muslim or whatever, want to convert you, they want you to believe what they do, and they're willing to go to extremes to make it happen.
atheists don't really care what you believe, and don't go out of their way to convert someone.. an example of what believers in power do to suppress any difference in thought. an example of why believers want to suppress different ideas (because they can't win in a fair fight, that's why).
I'm sure Hitchens never said he wanted to see religion banned though his hatred of religion did prompt him to support violence as a useful tool to oppose it I.e support for Iraq war and torture.
The same is true of Sam Harris, however in fairness Dawkins has always been far, far better on this issue.
An important difference between atheists and true believers
by Hortensia intrue believers, whether christian, muslim or whatever, want to convert you, they want you to believe what they do, and they're willing to go to extremes to make it happen.
atheists don't really care what you believe, and don't go out of their way to convert someone.. an example of what believers in power do to suppress any difference in thought. an example of why believers want to suppress different ideas (because they can't win in a fair fight, that's why).
Who is Julian? Is he a member here?
Response To ENTIRE "Bible Teach" Book!
by Watchtower-Free infrom the snarky apologist. .
That response said Charles T Russell was never baptised as an adult, does anyone know if that's true?
Dawkins-The Greatest Show on Earth
by KateWild inas many may be aware.
i don't like the man.
but i have chosen to review the first chapter of his book.. chapter 1... only a theory?.
I believe Jesus is a real, living person. I don't think this belief automatically makes me deserving of respect, or that it's wrong for anyone to express disagreement with me. I refuse to accept however that this makes me a potentially abusive parent, partially responsible for Westboro Baptist Church homophobia and abortion clinic bombing, or deserving of contempt in public.
When I was in school some people mocked me for being a JW, even though I no longer believe pretty much everything I did back then, I still wouldn't wish that treatment on anyone, not even Dawkins.
Dawkins-The Greatest Show on Earth
by KateWild inas many may be aware.
i don't like the man.
but i have chosen to review the first chapter of his book.. chapter 1... only a theory?.
Shaming and mocking people in public is bullying. I like to hope that people who constantly lecture others on morality would not buy into this.
Dawkins-The Greatest Show on Earth
by KateWild inas many may be aware.
i don't like the man.
but i have chosen to review the first chapter of his book.. chapter 1... only a theory?.
Viv, so we can't call out bullying because someone else said something cruel to you? *confusing*
So I got called on today...
by Thumblina inpoor sod.
i felt quite sorry for him in the end.. for context, i was brought up as a jw since i was very young.
i left 6 years ago (faded) a little before turning 30. i was on here a lot around that time but under a different profile that's no longer active.. for the past 18 months, i'm back living in the territory of the congregation i grew up in.
Was he on his own when he called on you? I suspect he would have rushed off if he'd had a partner.
I'd have thought if you were going to narrow down your religious search to two groups they'd be relatively similar, JWs and scientologists might have similar control tactics but the beliefs are wildly different!
Dawkins-The Greatest Show on Earth
by KateWild inas many may be aware.
i don't like the man.
but i have chosen to review the first chapter of his book.. chapter 1... only a theory?.
Dawkins looks down on people who disagree with him in the same way I used to look down on people who disagreed with me as a JW.
I take this back, even in my most convinced JW days I never would have advocated bullying and shaming people with different religious beliefs to myself:
Can we all stop pretending Richard is just a misunderstood chap with a passion for science now please?
Visited Baptist church on Easter
by snakeface ini live in a rural area; in field service we had to drive from house to house.. i have not had any desire to visit any church for several years now.
saturday i was doing chores in my yard - washing the car, etc.
- and 2 ladies drove in, dressed like witnesses would be dressed.
Glad you enjoyed it. :) Even if you're not a believer and you never intend to join I think it's a worthwhile experience for finding out that it's nothing like the Society told us it was.