Naive kids and urban hipsters adore Corbyn.
Those of us old enough to remember labour governments of days of yore know how this always ends.
Hi Cofty, I don't adore Corbyn, though I voted Labour, and I find this unfair and rather patronising.
I have a good job with a good salary so I know things could be much worse but exorbitant rental costs make it hard to save a lot and I'm completely locked out of the housing market. This will have a knock on effect in that I won't be able to afford to provide children (if I ever have any) an upbringing with the same living standards as the one my parents provided me, and most young people have it worse than me.
Of course this is worst where I live in London but the ridiculous wealth gap between young and old is growing across the country and these are not problems caused by old left wing governments.
I'm glad the youth finally turned out and I hope the results sends a message to the other political parties that they need to stop ignoring us and actually help us.