@Villiage Idiot, I don't have anyone in which is why I chose to just disappear. I have been missing meetings regularly for the past 6 months, so that was probably an unofficial fade, but it's now permament.
@oubliette Yeah you're right :/ Thank you for the tip and article, though, it helps :D
@Toesup thatnks for your personal experience, I'm definitely going to take your route and just keep ignoring :)
@all thank you to all those that have answered so far, you've really helped me remember that I'm my own person and that I don't have to answer to them. I think to myself, they aren't governmental authorities, thus I don't really have any reason to be obliged to speak or explain myself to them. they are just men after all :)
Thanks guys! This website and you guys have really proven to be a great help!