Hi alive,
I'm so sorry to hear about your terrible experience. I completely understand what you're going through because I, and numerous others have gone through it as well.
my lowest point in the organization came when I became very depressed and suicidal. I asked for help from the elders but got ignored. They never seemed to care about y mental health even hough they very well knew what was wrong with me. Ghosts when I finally decided it was over and I left never to return.. Do you know how I feel now after leaving? My depression slowly went away and has not returned. I have never felt more free and mentally clear!
this is going to sound harsh, but I've found out the hard way that life is harsh. After deciding to stop going to meetings, you need to be able to live with knowing that your so called friends will never look at you the same way again. Most of the relationships they have are superficial, hardly anything is ever real.
what I recommend is this, instead of being cooped up in the house or doing what you would normally do everyday, I recommend you go out and find something that you and your husband enjoy doing. Find a group that you guys can join or a club. For example, when I left, I started taking a martial art. Something I've always wanted to do but couldn't due to the restrictions put in place by the organization. Maybe you have something you always wanted to do but couldn't because of the org?
if your husband left with you and you are both out together, that is wonderful. Many here don't have that luxury. I say, take full advantage of it!
im a young guy with a third of your experience in life, but I will say that it slowly will get better, I promise 
peace and love,