Well, the Watchtower Inc. is just another offshot from mainstream christianity, just as another Pennsylvanian cult is: The Amish cult.
The Watchtower, altough a cult, do allow television!
Both with many ideas from English puritanism.
!the following statements by the wtbts are true - up to a point!
but in order to appear as a loving united, brotherhood, only half-truths can be told.
Well, the Watchtower Inc. is just another offshot from mainstream christianity, just as another Pennsylvanian cult is: The Amish cult.
The Watchtower, altough a cult, do allow television!
Both with many ideas from English puritanism.
i have been out for 22 years.i was raised as a jehovahs witness.
i was baptized in 1986 but soon after left the religion.
theres a whole lot to the reasons why i left, but i left.
This site by current witnesses could provide you with help in doctrinal matters.
I will never , ever go back to JW, both for doctrinal and org. matters.
"the watchtower of october 1, 1909, said: all who cut loose from the society and its work, instead of prospering themselves or upbuilding others in the faith and in the graces of the spirit, seemingly do the reverseattempt injury to the cause they once served, and, with more or less noise,gradually sink into oblivion, harming only themselves and others possessed of a similarly contentious spirit.
.they seem inoculated with madness, satanic hydrophobia [rabies].
" http://sianrose.wordpress.com/2011/06/22/beware-of-the-evil-slave/.
More propaganda:
The similarity between Jw-artpropaganda and the communistic one is really scary!
"the watchtower of october 1, 1909, said: all who cut loose from the society and its work, instead of prospering themselves or upbuilding others in the faith and in the graces of the spirit, seemingly do the reverseattempt injury to the cause they once served, and, with more or less noise,gradually sink into oblivion, harming only themselves and others possessed of a similarly contentious spirit.
.they seem inoculated with madness, satanic hydrophobia [rabies].
" http://sianrose.wordpress.com/2011/06/22/beware-of-the-evil-slave/.
It´s almost as if the JW-leadership have copied communistic propaganda:
The Stasi perfected the technique of psychological harassment of perceived enemies known as Zersetzung – a term borrowed from chemistry which literally means "corrosion" or "undermining".-Wikipedia
Well, anyone that have doubts about "the true faith" wether communism or JW´s "unique" theology must endure hate-propaganda as "dangerous" dissidents.
so how does gog and magog pertain to jehovah's witnesses?
the latter-day battle is described in ezekiel 38-39, and it doesn't mention jehovah's witnesses anywhere.
the prophet does write, however: .
Gog, Magog is a prophecy about a final attack by villians shortly before Jesus "hand over the Kingdom" after the millenium reign. It has, of course, nothing to do with
JW in fantasy land!
sheep & goats.
jesus said, "truly i say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me".. exactly to whom was jesus addressing these words, and who were his "brothers?.
the subject matter of matthew chapter 25 deals with christ's judgement of all humans, and verses 32 & 33 make it crystal clear that there only two groups standing before him - 'sheep' and 'goats'.
Thanks for info Bobcat!
However, Matthew 24:36 is about the Christ´s arrival. Jesus didn´t link this event to any cataclysmic action. In Matthew 25:31, still answering the deciples´s questions, he is sitting on the "throne of glory" judging all the people of the nations. It could be an event occuring after the millenia reign, the very same as the parable of the sheep and goat´s.
The sheep would inherit the heavenly kingdom but Revelation talks about an uproar after the millenia reign. How could they have been blessed by the Father if the parable of the sheep and goat´s would occur during the Christ´s arrival, before the millenium?
sheep & goats.
jesus said, "truly i say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me".. exactly to whom was jesus addressing these words, and who were his "brothers?.
the subject matter of matthew chapter 25 deals with christ's judgement of all humans, and verses 32 & 33 make it crystal clear that there only two groups standing before him - 'sheep' and 'goats'.
Well, I personally think that the "arrival of the son of man" and the "end" or "conclusion of system of things" are two completely diffrent events.
1 Corinthians 15:23-26
Jesus deciples asked 3 specific questions in Matthew 24:3: the destruction of Jerusalem, the arrival of the son of man and the "end" of system of things wich would occur after the millenia reign!
All those who give Jesus the "kiss of peace" at his arrival will have nothing to fear. Most people will, but not all, sadly enough.
when jws say this, what are they really saying?
i was pondering this recently, and i was thinking...what they're really trying to imply is simple:.
apostates are thus accused of attempting to be cult leaders.. because the idea is that since they're not getting people to follow christ, but follow themselves, then they want their 'victims'' belief system to be centered around an individual, following that person's directions.
well, to draw people after themself, is exactly what Judge "Booze" Rutherford did when "hi-jacked" the authority from the Bible students.
He was one of the worst Apostates of the teachings of the Christ and Paul and invented his own religion that contradicts the Gospels on many accounts. Not to mention the crazy interpretations of the Revelation book.
A semi-jew cult became the disastrous outcome.
they did not endure to the end.
sadly they fed from the table of demons, and believed the inspired expressions of error.
according to the " god's word is truth " dc, demonic propoganda takes many forms.
Just insane cult-propaganda. SOOO Judgemental, no way near Jesus teachings!
so why not female governing body?
why not female anything?
i mean, i kind of know the answer.
Even the Apostle Paul recognized the value of spiritual women. In 1 Timothy 3:8-11, he wanted ms-women to not be slanderous and drunkards just as male ms servants should not be. But even Paul was a product of his time. When it comes to organize the worldvide Christian congregations from wether, jw, church of Englad, The catholics, Evangelicals, it is entirely up to them. The Christ doesnt care about such matters.
As Paul wrote:
"Y OU ? are all, in fact, sons of God through ? YOUR ? faith in Christ Jesus. For all of ? YOU ? who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for ? YOU ? are all one [person] in union with Christ Jesus. Moreover, if ? YOU ? belong to Christ, ? YOU ? are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a promise". -Galatians 3:26-29
Here are some jw´s who have a little diffrent view than the GB.