Hi Truthseeker,
As you can see by my numbers I am not big on posting, however I had to respond to your inquiry about Harry Weaver.
If this is the same Harry Weaver who is an older gentleman and bald on top. He served in the Columbus, Ohio area back in the mid 90's.
I have him to thank for playing a part in my exiting the WTS.
You see Harry and I was out knocking on doors one day when a houselholder verbally attack us and call us Russellities.
Yes, Harry is a hardliner from the "oldschool" so I though for sure he would put this lady in her place.
At the time I was a newly appointed elder who he insisted on working with that Saturday, even though I had expressed plans of working with
my wife and children.
Well as it turn out it was Harry's turn to take a door when the lady verbally challenged the two of us, and I was quite certain that Harry was
going to show this "young elder" how to skillfully use his "sword" to put this lady in here place.
Much to my amazement his only response was to throw his hand up as to signal "STOP" and turned and walked away and left me on the
stairs with my mouth laying on the ground in absolute astonishment.
I never forgot that (FS) experience.
I finally figured it out when I left in 2001.