Allow me to restart this post.
The point I was making and hoping that we can have some dialog on was the fact that I believe our president George Bush is a warmonger.
I believe this because he is acting alone in his persuit of Sadam. I believe he (George) is more concerned about etching his spot on history than he is with solving the real issues in Iraq.
I am not affraid of Iraq. Like mentioned in this post we the US have outstanding intelligence on Iraq. We know all that they have and all that they are capable of doing. We have the best military in the world with the highest technology known. We can hit the keyhole on a door from a plan thousands of feet in the air. No doubt we can stop Iraq from doing anything they set out to do, and Bush know this.
Is Bush so afraid that he feels that he needs to hit first? Our is he wanting a war to stamp his name on?
I am not anti Bush on all points I believe he handled the September 11 situation perfectly. The difference from the September 11 attack and a war on Iraq is international support. We have full international support on our war on terrorism. As soon as we start acting alone like a big bully in this world we run the risk of turning a little problem like Iraq into a major issue inwhich the US will face many nations. There is not 1 other nation that says we should attack Iraq yet Bush says we should.
I said before that I don't know all the answers when it comes to Iraq. I just believe that Bush is not the leader to make those decisions. He is quite different from his Dad. Daddy Bush had a majority support from the world and the US led a multinational force to liberate a nation. George W is acting alone.
I want everyone to think before we act. I want our president to explore peacefull resolution as well as military. I want a man who is sadden by death to make a decision about war. Not a man who seems to glorify in it.
I want us to have a discusion about War and Peace, not just war. I want us to think about it, to pray about it, to cry about it, to argue about it, to disagree about it. We should not move so quickly to war. That decision should come as a last resort. Not the first.
I want to hear your thoughts.
I will continue to pray for Peace and that as a nation we do what is right in GODs eyes not in mans.