If you weren't so confussed and stupid I would try to reply to you.
Instead I want everyone else to know that you offend many of us veterans who have served during war.
People have died to protect what is good about Americia. I personally know a close friend of mine that I had the priviledge to serve with that totally thought that the first Gulf War was wrong. He like many other brave and commited Americans did what was asked of thim dispite their OPIONIONS". When my freinds term in Kuwait was over he was awarded the Silver Star with Valor. (Valor means he risked his life).
One thing that makes our nation great is the public debate of national issues. Many have done their part to ensure that debates continue. If we go to war there will be soldiers who disagree with the war, fulfilling their duty in the war dispite their opionions. This phenomenon has occured in every war America has ever fought in. There are brave committed indivduals who fully understand DUTY. Imagine locking away a Silver Star Soldier that will save lives if called upon.
We are not a nation that locks away people that oppose our government, our president, or the fighting of wars.
If your solution is to lock away those who oppose you, how different are you from our enemy?