My sisters were both married in a KH, and their weddings were loads of fun. The talks were personalized (at least from what I remember) and weren't overly long. The receptions were at halls, the food was great, and there was dancing.
I got married at a civic auditorium, in an atrium. It was beautiful, marred only by my family's inability to participate. Since I was marrying a "worldy" guy, and a baptist minister was performing the ceremony, they were not "allowed" to participate. Unfortunately, they did not know this until about a month before the wedding, when an elder in one sister's congregation told them her husband would be deleted as an elder for allowing his wife to participate in a baptist wedding. It was horrible, I cried for days and days, but in the end it worked out ok. They were there, they supported me, and we had a really good time.
There was no alcohol at any of the weddings, only because we have relatives with severe drinking problems, and did not want to have to call the police to break up the ensuing fights. No exaggeration, it has happened at many family gatherings.
I have been to a lot of other JW weddings, and always had fun. I wonder if it's a regional thing? In So. Cal, there was always dancing.