I often wonder, if I became an actress, would I have to kiss another woman?
Now I have to wonder, if I become a famous singer will I have to kiss another woman? (since none of those women can act)
that opener with britney , madona , and cristina was hot !
did yousee that kiss at the end ?
i saw some major tounge between britney and madona....damn.....or maybe im just a horndog .... the rest was pretty good too.
I often wonder, if I became an actress, would I have to kiss another woman?
Now I have to wonder, if I become a famous singer will I have to kiss another woman? (since none of those women can act)
a woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night to.
ask, what are you thinking?
" she doesn't care what you think.. .
5 more month to go!!
I agree with most of what's been said. I want to add, women of a "certain age" understand what is and is not important. They recognize that relationships depend a lot on the value each person feels they hold in it, so are generous with their praise.
My husband is only a couple of years younger than me. Wonder if I should have gone even younger?
on another treat some of the ladies commented on the married brothers hitting on them or making sexual remarks to them.
this brought back to mind the personal custom i had about not looking the sisters over when they walked by at meetings.
i would look away or down when and sister passed by.
A year or so ago I was sitting at my desk working. The Sr. VP of sales came in and sat in front of my desk. I looked up at him. He started staring at my chest. Then he transferred his gaze to a picture I had on my desk of my husband and I at a Christmas party. In this picture, my dress is sexy and low cut (but not trashy). He looked back and forth, from the picture to my breasts (I was in a conservative business suit by the way). After nearly 60 seconds of this, I asked him VERY LOUDLY "Excuse me, did you lose something on my chest?". He started stammering, saying he was wondering where the coat I was wearing in the picture was. Yeah, right.
There is a huge difference between looking and staring, and also between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. I will not accept anything risque in the office, because I have a very strong standard of professional behavior. I applaud your stance at the work place, and I would love to work in a company such as yours.
On the other hand, when I am out in public at a bar, club or gym, I can't really expect the same standard of behaviour. I will still blast anyone I think is being disrespectful, I just realize that in public common sense is an oxymoron, and good manners are hard to find.
on another treat some of the ladies commented on the married brothers hitting on them or making sexual remarks to them.
this brought back to mind the personal custom i had about not looking the sisters over when they walked by at meetings.
i would look away or down when and sister passed by.
I guess it depends on what you mean by eyeballing. Looking away totally, while sweet, would not be necessary for my husband. He can look, but not stare. He has even pointed out to me some weird things when we are people watching. And I know he will find other women attractive, pretty, etc, so as long as he's not staring and drooling, I'm cool with that.
I think it's wonderful that you showed such respect for your wife (and lady friends).
On the other hand, I hate being stared at, and form an immediate dislike for anyone who doesn't have the good manners to look away quickly.
well, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
Wow, lots of scary suggestions on this thread
I don't know what I would in your position, but if you really want to make someone pay for their actions, it's always smart to think in the long term. Sure, you could send pizzas to the hall, or porn to his place, but does that have a lasting impact? ( although, I might personally do it just to get some immediate satisfaction )
The legal way is the best route. Since laws differ from state to state, you have to get a lawyer who is mean as hell ( possibly with some nasty divorce of their own behind them) and tell them to go for blood. There are definitely places that still allow for civil suits for alienation of affections or loss of consortium. Sue the hell out of the WTS or the local body of elders. Call all your local news stations, including cable, and ask for a brief story to be run. Let them come to your home and see it's neat and well kept, and how well mannered your children are, and then point out the WTS "made" your husband leave because you didn't practice his religion. Even if he doesn't want to pay any bills, if you can get a legal judgement against him, you can have his wages attached. And the fact that you supported him for three years may work in your favor (again, something for a lawyer to help with).
Hey, everyone, I love you all, and would never do anything to piss you off, ok? (Big group hug while Happyout hides her fear)
hi you all i'm starting this early.
my son is graduating next week from bootcamp.
if anyone would like to congratulate him on his achievemnent please do
I wrote to you a while back, hope you got the letter. I am thrilled to hear things are going well for you and want to say:
.to happen first in the us?
or do you think neither will ever happen?
consider that they are both members of a majority group and a minority group.
Logansrun, you said "Most people do not view Colin Powell as a "brotha" if you know what I mean."
I don't know what you mean. At least, I don't think I do. Do you mean he's not seen as "ethnic" because he's not dark skinned? Or because he doesn't speak slang? I am genuinely curious, as I have never heard anything even near that statement made about him.
ps Oh yeah, back on topic. I think a white female has a better chance, but it's a slim chance. You know, snowball in hell, etc. I don't imagine I will see it in my lifetime. It would be cool, though, to see America finally stop pretending that old white men are the only ones capable of running the country.
well, here he is in all his handsomness and sly girl-chasing potential.
grayson miller darby, my grandson extraordinaire, especially so since he's the only one i've got at the moment.
ain't he sumpin'?
Cutie patootie for sure!
Congratulations, he's a love.
this topic is largely in response to the topic:.
in one post, i said:one possible reason that both native americans and blacks (then slaves) were treated so badly for so long is that both largely sided with the british in the war of independence.
i guess countries have some kind of giant collective consciousness that takes a while to change.. .
Thanks, Nilfun, you made a succinct point.
i went up to the mall to see if a hobby shop was open.
on the way out i heard someone say, hey daddy.
i looked back and my daughter was comming out also.
I completely understand. My son is without a doubt the greatest joy in my life. When he says I love you, or strokes my hair or my cheek, I am in heaven. There is nothing more pure in the universe than the love of a child.
Good for you Undecided. How heartwearming.