nothing worse than an Un-official ex jw
I am looking forward to the rest of your story. Hopefully it will end with most, if not all, of your family free.
It gives me hope that one day my family might see the light.
Thanks for sharing,
i have major updates on my progress of leaving the jw religion.
for those of you who are at a point in your life where i was a year and a half ago, i hope my story helps.
first, though, i have a request for simon: i have e-mailed this request two you at least twice in the past and i have asked you publicly on this forum this request: please, please, please merge my old posting names of 'mister biggs' and 'mister 8iggs' with 'funchback'.
nothing worse than an Un-official ex jw
I am looking forward to the rest of your story. Hopefully it will end with most, if not all, of your family free.
It gives me hope that one day my family might see the light.
Thanks for sharing,
i am so in the dark.
i do not know what's going on and, quite frankly, i don't care to.
perhaps there is bliss in ignorance.
I stay away from most politics, simply because a lot of time I don't think I'm educated enough on the topic. I can't quote history, statistics, etc, I can only state my thoughts and feelings.
There are some threads that start out really interesting, then turn into insults and name calling. I can't remember calling anyone names (aside from hypocrite, which I think is more of a description), but I sometimes stay in those discussions longer than I should. I realize it's seldom that a person changes their mind ( I haven't yet because of a thread), but I enjoy trying to understand another person's point of view.
There are some people I have learned I must ignore, as they are incapable of disagreeing without resorting to childish name calling and insults. They usually do this when they want others to accept their opinion as a fact.
I don't read a lot of fluff stuff, but I read some.
.....your boyfriend proposed to you while on vacation?.
the reason i ask this is because a couple i know was away in the tropics, and he popped the question.
and yet, since they've been back (over 8 months) they've been mum on all things wedding.
I wouldn't say no if I wanted to marry the guy. If I didn't want to marry him, I would definitely say no, why beat around the bush? This is why I think communication is so important in a relationship, when someone proposes they should have all right to expect a yes.
i saw a thread recently that asked if you were different from your online persona, most people answered to varying degrees "no".
that made me wonder though how do you view yourself and how do other people view you?
what kind of a person do you feel you project?
I am definitely a peacekeeper. That doesn't keep me from being outspoken. I think I'm witty, and I crack myself up. I am generally liberal and pretty tolerant unless there is some obvious bias going on.
How do others on this site veiw me? That would be interesting to know. Actually, I think I am so much of a peacekeeper, frequently my comments and thoughts go unnoticed. That is not true in real life, I am hard to overlook in person. Just a very stand out personality.
i have a friend who refuses to tell me how old he is.
he claims that people often judge you or pigeon-hole you when they find out how old you are.
i have tried to argue against this point, but i have recently realized how true this is.
While I try to stay in the middle and see everyone's side, and be politically correct, etc., I have to come out and say, people are definitely treated differently once their race, age and gender are known. And to say just don't reveal it doesn't always work, simply because those things can matter when you are making your point. If there is a thread about public breast feeding, for example, it is germane to the issue to state you are a woman who breast fed. And there have been many political discussions where age and gender are mentioned to clarify someone's thought process. I'm not saying you could not successfully hide your identity, so to speak, just saying that it may make some discussions less fruitful.
SP, as always, great topic. I'm a lot older than you (as you know) but I'm still cute, so I'm not jealous I think we have learned from each other, and that is how it should be. After all, I want someone young to push me around in my wheelchair, right
Happyout ( aging, and proud of it )
if we want to worship god acceptably, we must know the truth.
this is an important issue.
our eternal happiness depends on it.
Thank you AlanF, not to mention, he is showing no integrity by posting to an apostate board.
Just for the record, I like that active JWs post here, just not when they get all high and mighty over us "heathens". Truth is, they should not be here, according to their religion's rules, and they REALLY should not post.
But, like I said, I like having them here. Almost every time they post, I can give another sigh of relief that I don't have to be such a hypocrite anymore.
if we want to worship god acceptably, we must know the truth.
this is an important issue.
our eternal happiness depends on it.
Definition of integrity: possession of firm principles: the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards
This would encompass leaving a religion you have found to be amoral, hypocritical, and hateful. I would imagine a person with less integrity would have stayed, in comfort, where they had been their whole lives.
Happyout (stomping away muttering about self righteous assholes who sit in judgement on others)
every once in a while we get disturbed or annoyed over something that takes place here.
for a change, let's express reasons why we're happy to be here.......i'll give one reason amongst many.
there are so many enlightening posters here!
I enjoy my time here frequently because it helps me realize I'm not crazy. Being out for over a decade, and yet still being so enmeshed in it is very normal, especially for someone who's family is still in.
I like reading the new doctrinal changes, and hearing about past lies.
I enjoy reading the life experiences of others who have escaped and survived.
I have made a couple of friends that I believe I will keep for a long time.
That's good enough for me.
i have been dating this woman for two months.
i somehow agreed to being monogamus with her....the details aren't important..but here i am stuck in a relationship that daily grows more unbearable.
i have been trying to get the nerve to end it for the last 6 well it's true.
The only guy who ever broke up with me said it was because he met someone else and wanted to go out with her. I didn't care, I wasn't in love, but I thought it was pretty unnecessarily rude. The "whole truth" is sometimes overrated.
Simply tell her that your interest in her is not romantic. She's a nice person, but you are realize your feelings are platonic. Leave it at that, don't keep talking, that's where people go wrong.
Just one woman't perspective.
i just heard about this shooting on yahoo.
Yetunde did not live in Compton, she lived in Corona, a much nicer area relatively far from Compton. One of the big questions right now is why was she in Compton, especially at that hour.
It is sad, it is always sad when someone who (as far as we know) is the victim of a crime. There has been one arrest already, although the police suspect there were three shooters. I am sure we will learn more fairly quickly.