I am actually glad to see that so many of the people on this board, while clearly seeing that this man is abnormal and "weird", are honest enough to admit that there is no proof that he is a pedophile. I was listening to talk radio last night, to Al Rantel (I think that's how you spell it), and I was appalled at his one sided view on the subject. He read the 13 year old boy's deposition, taken in 1993, and believed everything that was in it. He called people who did not believe it "dumb" and "stupid". He talked about how the mother was "pimping" her son, to get the benefits of hanging around Michael Jackson and living such a fabulous lifestyle. I called in, but was kept on hold for 45 minutes, and finally had to hang up.
For those people who only see the one side, please think back a few decades to another explosive news story. There was a daycare that was accused of molestation, satanic rituals, and darn near everything else. The children were examined by "phsycologists" who supposedly verified that all these atrocities really took place. Five years and much heartache later, it was finally proven that NONE of those things had taken place, the children had been manipulated by those examining them, and the McMartin's lives were destroyed for no reason. You may wonder why I bring this up in a thread about Michael Jackson. Because it proves that children can be manipulated, and that there is a need for some other verification than just their word that something happened.
Back to the actual Michael Jackson events, part of the reason charges were never filed was the boy's story was actually proven to be partially incorrect. He had said Michael had markings on his genitals, and those markings did not exist. Other information he gave also turned out to be incorrect. And before anyone asks, HELL NO I would not allow my son to spend the night with this sad, sad, creature. But that doesnt make him a pedophile.