I definitely want to go in my sleep, preferably when I'm old and ready. Just please don't let it be a protracted painful illness, that would wipe out any financial savings I want to leave my son.
of course, nobody really wants to die, but if you had a choice about how...how would you like to go?.
some people i know would like to pop their clogs after a game of golf, some in the pub with friends.. personally, i want to be shot in bed by a jealous husband when i'm 96.
I definitely want to go in my sleep, preferably when I'm old and ready. Just please don't let it be a protracted painful illness, that would wipe out any financial savings I want to leave my son.
pros and cons............. dissasociation......... disfellowshiping....... or just fadeing away.
i got family that i dont wanna lose but im not sure the best way to leave and the consequences.
raised in the "truth" so all my friends are jw with a few exceptions.
I faded also, moved to another city, and just stopped going. At first it was difficult, as my family is pretty well known, and I had some visits from "friends" who were concerned that I wasn't attending meetings. But, I didn't get DF'd, and didn't DA myself, so everyone could talk to me if they chose to. The latest I heard was that I am considered inactive, but my family is great, we hang out all the time, and they seldom bring up their religion. My mom still brings the mags, though.
i just heard george benson on the radio.
got me to thinking - is george benson still an active witness?
I don't know about Don Ho, but I heard a long time ago that John Denver hated dubs and would ask them to stand at his concert, and then play the national anthem. That could have just been a dubbie Urban Legend though.
more dead cats found in denver area 'it breaks my heart'
monday, june 30, 2003 posted: 9:47 pm edt (0147 gmt).
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Yes, and apparently this is a common trait for those who grow up to be serial killers (of humans). They really need to catch this person and lock them up! It's bad enough to kill and mutilate, but to then take the animal back to it's owners to taunt them is just waaaaaay out of control.
Happyout (glad she doesn't live in Denver with a kitty)
i just heard george benson on the radio.
got me to thinking - is george benson still an active witness?
You funny! No, it's Wilton Felder, a member of the former Crusaders (Jazz Crusaders), who is also still actively touring (although mostly overseas and in small concerts)
my dream is finally sitting my lazy ass down and writing like i had dreamed about all my life; novels, screenplays, anything.. also, if you have accomplished, how did you get there?.
if not, what impeded you?.
My biggest dream was to have a wonderful child to love who would be fun, and smart, and loving. I accomplished that, and my son is the blessing of my life. I have also wanted to be either an attorney or a counselor, and I have not gone anywhere in pursuit of that dream. It's not over yet, though!
they sat at the counter with me him with his back turned and her giving him a play by play of my every move and how much i ate.. i just ignored them they were like two steaming piles of shit for me to walk around.he follows me around the neighborhood yelling insults trying to get me to turn around and look at him but to me he's just some crazy vagrant or pervert to be ignored.. she ordered ice cream and he sat there trying to look like the picture of a good husband and i just laughed out loud, she didn't know that in the past while married to her he used to hang around outside my job every morning, or that he would call me on the phone romancing me.. i just sat there laughing thinking you are nothing special to him all those years he was calling me, would'nt be surprised if he called again..
"He follows me around the neighborhood yelling insults trying to get me to turn around and look at him"
I would think this is grounds to get a restraining order. Keep him away from you.
more dead cats found in denver area 'it breaks my heart'
monday, june 30, 2003 posted: 9:47 pm edt (0147 gmt).
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More dead cats found in Denver area
Monday, June 30, 2003 Posted: 9:47 PM EDT (0147 GMT)
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DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- Four more dead cats have been found in the Denver area, heightening fear among pet owners that a serial cat killer is in their midst.
Authorities say at least 40 mutilated cats have been discovered in Denver and its suburbs in the past year, including four killed over the weekend. The toll in Salt Lake City is 10 cats and another unidentified animal.
Christy Hughes had stopped reading stories about the attacks. Then her husband found the eviscerated body of their 15-year-old cat, Bugsy, outside the front door of their Aurora home two weeks ago.
"I blame myself, because had I read it, I never would have let my cat outside," she said Monday. "I've had a hard time forgiving myself for that."
Authorities are worried that despite the attacks, pet owners still are letting their cats roam outside.
"I've had people say, 'They don't like to stay inside,"' said Temma Martin, spokeswoman for Salt Lake County Animal Services. "Well, look at the stakes here."
In several cases, it appears the attacker kills the cat, then taunts the owner by bringing back the remains. Some of the animals were cut with surgical precision. Some may have been killed by another animal.
The Colorado penalty for aggravated cruelty to animals is up to 18 months in jail and a $100,000 fine.
Hughes said Bugsy was attacked sometime between 1 a.m., when he last went out, and 6:15 a.m., when he was found dead.
She said she is "retraining" her two kids and husband not to let their two kittens outside anymore.
"For a week I couldn't sleep because I just kept seeing my cat over and over," she said. "It breaks my heart seeing somebody else go through this."
i just heard george benson on the radio.
got me to thinking - is george benson still an active witness?
Yes, he is. He used to hang out with another brother who is a musician, and they still keep in touch.
lets say that you had the chance to have an actors career, which would you choose?.
not being the actor himself/ herself, but rather their career.. i think i would choose, in order:.
1) harrison ford.
I would definitely choose Oprah (the first ever black female billionaire)
Jennifer Aniston
Vanessa Williams
Julia Roberts
Happyout (laughing at Gadget's answer)