It is sort of a hard call with so much "classical" literature having racist terminology. I wish I had a good answer, but I don't. If you are not a minority, it may be impossible to understand how those terms can harm. Not that I think anyone should be mollycoddled, but I also don't think they should be demeaned. Things were very different just a short while ago, and the words that were accepted then aren't now. I'm sure it's harder, especially for the elderly (not that you are) to keep up with all the changes.
And we are in 100% agreement on wishing that racial designations weren't used all the time. I don't know why it's always such a big deal. And I don't understand why all the changes ( I doubt you will ever hear me refer to myself as "African American") except that it is kind of an indication of a people in transition. For so long, so many minorities were made to feel inferior, and now I think some of them (blacks, latinos come to mind the fastest) are trying to shape their own descriptions. I understand the why, just not the path.
Sometimes it is important to classify race, and also gender, just to understand the full situation. As in medical conditions, so called "racial profiling" , etc. I have no issue with that, and want to see those statistics used for the betterment (if there is such a word) of society.
Anyway, nice to see that two such "different" looking people can be on the same basic page, huh?