As usual, you and I think alike on this subject. I believe there are negative consequences from being raised a witness, like not having my college degree, but I can't say beyond a doubt that I would have gotten it had I not been a witness. And if I turned out anything like my cousins, I would have have at least one child out of wedlock, done some experimenting with drugs, and had at least one failed marriage behind me (if I ever got married).
I was raised a witness, and it kept me from teenage sex, wild parties, and really bad association. Again, would I have done those same things without being a witness? Don't know, but the examples of my family say I would have had a far tougher life than I do.
I also can never emphasize enough how strong of a woman my mom is, and how much that shaped me. She dealt with very advers circumstances with grace, love, and optimism, and taught me that I should not depend on anyone but myself. There is no one I admire more than her, she is a woman of honor and principle. Would she be that way if she weren't a witness? I don't know. But I can (in my more generous moments) give at least partial credit to the org, because NONE of her siblings has accomplished what she has.
Great post, my deep thinking brother.