JoinedPosts by mattnoel
Beautiful GAY/LESBIAN Friends Please SIGN
by militarywitness in:) hello beautiful gay/lesbian brothers and sisters around the world.
let yourselves be known.
Anyone out there?
by Clark66 inmy name is clark.
i have been disfellowshiped since december 31, 1991. i attended the redwood city north congregation and was disfellowshipped along with an elder on the same do the "mathwork.".
i am new to this sight (about 1/2 hour) and am not familiar with the format of the do's and don'ts ... or even if i should be here.... however, i have a question for anyone...(and i'm ready for the answers whether it be from over enthusiastic jw's or people who understand...or from anyone in between).. i was disfellowshipped because i openly admitted before 3 elders that i am gay and lived this life as a gay man despite being previously a regular pioneer and a ministerial servant.
sorry third time luck here is the correct link
Anyone out there?
by Clark66 inmy name is clark.
i have been disfellowshiped since december 31, 1991. i attended the redwood city north congregation and was disfellowshipped along with an elder on the same do the "mathwork.".
i am new to this sight (about 1/2 hour) and am not familiar with the format of the do's and don'ts ... or even if i should be here.... however, i have a question for anyone...(and i'm ready for the answers whether it be from over enthusiastic jw's or people who understand...or from anyone in between).. i was disfellowshipped because i openly admitted before 3 elders that i am gay and lived this life as a gay man despite being previously a regular pioneer and a ministerial servant.
Anyone out there?
by Clark66 inmy name is clark.
i have been disfellowshiped since december 31, 1991. i attended the redwood city north congregation and was disfellowshipped along with an elder on the same do the "mathwork.".
i am new to this sight (about 1/2 hour) and am not familiar with the format of the do's and don'ts ... or even if i should be here.... however, i have a question for anyone...(and i'm ready for the answers whether it be from over enthusiastic jw's or people who understand...or from anyone in between).. i was disfellowshipped because i openly admitted before 3 elders that i am gay and lived this life as a gay man despite being previously a regular pioneer and a ministerial servant.
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to let you all know that I have set up a group on MSN for gay witnesses and ex, so that they can meet others in the same situation and to make new friends,
I hope it helps
Join Gay ex Jehovahs Witnesses -
Beautiful GAY/LESBIAN Friends Please SIGN
by militarywitness in:) hello beautiful gay/lesbian brothers and sisters around the world.
let yourselves be known.
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Beautiful GAY/LESBIAN Friends Please SIGN
by militarywitness in:) hello beautiful gay/lesbian brothers and sisters around the world.
let yourselves be known.
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to say Hi and let you know I have set up a group on MSN for Gay Witnesses and ex witnesses.
Please feel free to join,
Join Gay ex Jehovahs Witnesses -
Gay Groups
by mattnoel ini have added a group to msn for gay ex witnesses, if anyone wants to add theirs onto the thread, please go ahead.">.
please go ahead and join,.
Hi everyone,
I have added a group to MSN for Gay ex Witnesses, if anyone wants to add theirs onto the thread, please go ahead.
My one is:">
Please go ahead and join,
small world, reunited by this forum!!!! yipee!!
by ApagaLaLuz inalright, my heart is pumping.
i'll try to keep this short.. before i left i had made quite a few friends over in england, from going to assemblies.
over a couple of years they visited me in california, i visited them in england.
This is so cool, thanks everyone for the messages, I am so glad to have her back - Ok didnt know about the two visits Miss Chevy but as far as I am concerned the more the better, the guest bedroom is more than ready for you !
small world, reunited by this forum!!!! yipee!!
by ApagaLaLuz inalright, my heart is pumping.
i'll try to keep this short.. before i left i had made quite a few friends over in england, from going to assemblies.
over a couple of years they visited me in california, i visited them in england.
Hi everyone,
Just a quick one as I have got to go to bed. I am the one Chevy has been reunited with, man I cant believe it, it is probably one the best christmas presents I could of recieved from my first christmas. I am just ecstatic. When Chevy first came over here to England I didnt realised that our groups would bond just like a family, it was gut wrenching enough when she left and I could not exactly call her Mum and ask her where she was. We spent many times visiting each other in our countrys and haad wonderfull times. I lost my Sister to the witnesses she dont talk to me anymore, but I have gained my Sister Chevy back. We have exchanged a lot of photos and we have both changed a hell of a lot. Wow thanks to whoever thought of this brilliant site !!!!
I am going to get more involved with this. and I am never letting Chevy go, it will be so wonderfull to have her here next year when I tie the knot with the one person who I love most in this world...........and it aint Jehovah !!!!
The Night the Elders called me.
by NaruNaruChan inhey all,.
left the org approx.
one month ago, so i'm freshly out and still working my way through the depression of losing my three best friends... but anyway, not important, what i was wondering was if any of you got this line from the elders the night you went to meet with them... so here's my story, take it or leave it.. i'm a homosexual, i've known since i was young, not raised in "the truth" but converted when i was seventeen, four years ago... anyway, i suppressed it, etc, until i decided that i wanted to leave the org.
P>I have had almost exactly the same experience as you have. ; Ok I will start in brief, man I know where you are coming from, I was brought up a JW and finally got diss'd in Jan 2002 and it is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. ; That probably sounds awfull and apostilic but I cant help it. ; I had a hell of a lot of friends and my Mum and stepdad were both witnesses also. ; I am also a Homosexual and settled with my partner. ; I actually had to endure three meetings with the elders, I told them about me being gay but they still wanted to try and turn me around, printing things off for me to study to make me realise that it was me that had made the mistake and I could in fact change my sexuality (DAH ! if i had of know that in the beginning) in the end they realised I think that they were flogging a dead horse and kicked me out. ; I had a really tough few months after that for various reasons and began to think that maybe I had made a mistake, bear in mind you are not allowed to have friends outside of the organisation and I had been in since a baby so didnt really know that many people in the world. ; Fortunatly I had made some friends and they turned out to be really good friends and stood by me and helped me through the difficult situation. ; Since leaving different things have come up in my life leading me to ask various questions about their beliefs and I actually now feel that I was brainwashed. ; It makes me so angry to think that they have wasted so much of my life, on the other hand I am looking to the positive side of things, I get to have my first Christmas this year with the person who I love and want to be with. ; I dont have to hide things anymore I can be me. ; In the congregation I wasnt exactly a brilliant Christian, just the average I guess, prayers at the meetings etc, my step father who got into the house owned by my mum, got it repossessed, was an alcoholic, beat me and my mum up and just about everything else, can you believe the guy was also a pioneer. ; The elders rather than sorting him out actually came over and reproved my poor old mum for hitting him in self defence. ; </P>
I have learnt a lot from the JW's not what they teach but I have gained life experience from them it has taught me how to be a better person.
It makes me so angry the way they work, you look at what they tell you, if you leave the religion you will never make real friends outside, you will never be happy and you will never have a happy relationship (let alone with the same sex) but I look at my life and where are the friends that would of stood by me as my "True friends" - Gone but the "Worldly" ones have ALL stood by me and helped me through really rough times. The relationship thing, well my Mum and stepfather both witnesses argued all the time, they were not happy, they hated each other in fact, he used to get drunk and beat us, he was the cause of our house being repossed, due to his selfishness and laziness - look at me, I am am in a relationship where I am happy and dont have the problems they had.........and as for the happiness - need I say anymore, I am the happiest I have ever been.
I could sit here all night and tell you about my experiences including a call I recieved when I was in the Police from the Grandaughter of an elder in my ex cong and the predicament she was in............ha need I say anymore.
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read and I hope all you that manage to get out can get your lives sorted out aswell.