Brought a tear to my eye too.
I miss my Mum terribly, she died suddenly in '98 and I dont think there is a day that goes by where I dont think of her in some way. Its funny because whenever I dream at night, no matter what I dream, Mum is still there. So much has happened since she died, I left the witnesses (Angers and saddens me, she didnt get that chance), I am settled in a strong relationship with our own home together, I have a really good job, with good prospects. There is so much I just wish she could see, I know she would of been hurt that I left but she would of come round and she would of loved my partner as my Dad does.
Sounds horrible and uncaring but I have not been back to the crematoriam since the funeral but I find it too painfull, I believe that Mum can see me somewhere and her way of telling me she is there is in my dreams.
Only one thing I can say is "Mum, I love you"