Kent, England - Loads of witches here so I assume it is pagan !
JoinedPosts by mattnoel
HELP! where is the most 'pagan' country?
by Ravyn inpagan as in witchcraft, deism, atheism..... because this is where i want to live.
after reading the thread on rapture and talking to 'friend' last night---omg!
this guy actually thought the earthquake in chattanooga a couple of nights ago was the rapture!
Jobs you weren't aloud to have
by JH inwhat job or career would you have loved to do, but being a jw, you weren't aloud to do that?
and how about the college or university course you couldn't get because the end was too close.
did you miss good job opportunities because of the watchtowers expectations?
What patterns we weave!!!!!!
When we first set out to decieve !
Jobs you weren't aloud to have
by JH inwhat job or career would you have loved to do, but being a jw, you weren't aloud to do that?
and how about the college or university course you couldn't get because the end was too close.
did you miss good job opportunities because of the watchtowers expectations?
I wanted to be a Police Officer - towards the end I joined anyway, I remember one elders horror when I said I start my new job on Monday in the Police - I heard a loud POLICE and I said yeah but for my role I dont have to be sworn in ! he he they believed it too - I proudly took my oath to the Queen !
What words does your animal understand?
by JH in.
i speak to my cat in french.
she understands a few words, really.. after repeating the words and the actions at the same time, they get to understand certain words.. does your pet understand a couple of words?
My little baby is deaf - as most white cats are !
Dogs More Important Than Spouses?
by SYN inthis is some screwy stuff!!!.
dogs rank higher than spouses - uk survey.
london - one in three british dog owners spends more time with their pet than with their partner - and when it comes to sleeping, they rate highly as cuddly bedfellows, a survey has shown.. .
I was going to comment but then noticed that the survey was done on behalf of my company, so I am just gonna shut up and sit back
Some dreams are too weird
by Brummie inworst dream i had (apart from armageddon ones) was when i stood up walked away from the sofa and when i looked back i could still see me sleeping on the sofa, that was shooooo weird.
so then i go up to me and grab me by the arm to wake me up, i could feel my arm as a seperate being....i woke up in a real sweat, totally freaked out.
whats your worst freakyish dream?.
Yeah you are very right there be wise, makes perfect sense, pretty much what my other half said aswell. I was diss'd about year and a half ago, I had a lot on my mind anyway, met mrs nightwarrior which was wonderfull but obviously brings it to the forefront of your mind therefore you are open to dream things like that as you are thinking about your experiences, we also feel that there is something in the house due to a few odd experiences but nothing bad so it all builds up in your head and comes out in your dreams.
My nasty B*tch of a Sister
by mattnoel ingrrrrrr need to vent !.
ok of my two step sisters the one who was punched in the mouth for not going to the meeting and left the "truth" me and her get on so well and i love her to bits.
the other one is a jw and a nasty b*tch, she lives with her non jw mum in preperation for moving to los angeles in september.. non jw sister called me the other day to say that she has an audition for pop idol and she has produced a song to be sent to record companies, i am proud of her and know someone at a record company so i am going to e mail the song to her, but needed to call sisters mum to ask her to e mail it to me, we get on well so no probs there, when i called jw sis answers the phone, not recognising my voice passes me on to her mother, we have a little chat and she says "its matt on the phone, you wanna speak to him" answer a big firm "no", this girl has only ever sponged off me, last time she spoke to me was to ask me for money, when i said no that was it, no more contact !
GRRRRRR need to vent !
Ok of my two step sisters the one who was punched in the mouth for not going to the meeting and left the "truth" me and her get on so well and I love her to bits. The other one is a JW and a nasty b*tch, she lives with her non jw mum in preperation for moving to Los Angeles in September.
Non Jw sister called me the other day to say that she has an audition for Pop Idol and she has produced a song to be sent to record companies, I am proud of her and know someone at a record company so I am going to e mail the song to her, but needed to call Sisters Mum to ask her to e mail it to me, we get on well so no probs there, when I called JW Sis answers the phone, not recognising my voice passes me on to her Mother, we have a little chat and she says "Its Matt on the phone, you wanna speak to him" answer a big firm "NO", this girl has only ever sponged off me, last time she spoke to me was to ask me for money, when I said no that was it, no more contact !
Non JW sis calls me today and says, Mum just called me and said that JW Sis turned really nasty that night, stayed on the computer so she couldnt e mail and then moved all the furniture around, her Mum says she feels like a prisoner in her own home and its not fair how that fact that she likes me but feels that she is not allowed to speak to me. she is not a JW, what a fine and loving example my sister is setting for her. I dont care that Sis dont wanna speak to me but what a COW !!!! I feel like writing her a letter !!!
She has also been apparantly quite nasty that Non JW sis is doing so well with her singing and refused to even look at the CD cover ! you know we used to be so close but I HATE the girl now !!! I am so angry but there is nothing you can do, you cant tell them that they are freaks because they walk away with a smile on their face muttering "You wont be saying that when Armageddon comes !!!"
Some dreams are too weird
by Brummie inworst dream i had (apart from armageddon ones) was when i stood up walked away from the sofa and when i looked back i could still see me sleeping on the sofa, that was shooooo weird.
so then i go up to me and grab me by the arm to wake me up, i could feel my arm as a seperate being....i woke up in a real sweat, totally freaked out.
whats your worst freakyish dream?.
Really strange, I had a really horrible dream last night and then I find this thread today.
Please dont laugh at me but I dreamt last night that I had been disfellowshipped (again) I was still living with my mum in our old house, the elders came to visit and the presiding overseer said that due to being disfellowshipped we would have to be put down like an animal and he would come back to administer our injections next week. For a few days all was fine but then I started thinking about my last day at work and how I would never see them again and I would have to leave without saying goodbye. I then remember sobbing to my mum explaining this and that I dont want to die. So I called the elder concerned and said that he was not to come and I do not believe in the JW's he should not bother me again and has no right to come put me down.
Anyway..................this is the freeky part (if your not already) I then dreamt I was in this house that I live in and it was haunted (which we believe it is anyway) and a ghost had come down and said to my partner to come upstairs as they have something, he was all eager to go and said yeah but it may be something good and I kept saying "no this is the first step to them possesing you", then strange things were happening like a made a cup of tea and it was half drunk before I had finished it etc, we were then downstairs near the dining room and a voice said "HOW DARE YOU!" we were both quite scared by this and we were saying who is this, who is this ? - I then woke up and my other half was saying "who is who ? what you talking about.
Really scared me !
Chevy - Just had lunch with Matt....
by nightwarrior inchevy.
had lunch at last with matt - 1 hour is just not long enough.. my daughter came along aswell, and the three of us had a good laugh.. mr nw was unable to make it today, but will for sure next time.. but, what a lovely bloke matt is - i was very kind to him, and we had loads to talk about, as i say, not enough time.. chevy - you have a great friend in matt - and yes i saw your photo - you look lovely.. you will have to pay a visit and we will all have lunch together !!!!!!!!.
take care.
Aw I am well touched !!!!
Thank you so much. I really enjoyed lunch and Cath is a really great person, not at all what I expected but better - she is a riot and her Daughter is just as mad !
I am looking forward to the friendship with them in the future as they really are lovely people that have been through tons of crap with the org.
Thanks for the posting mrs !
Tax question for any uk posters
by toddy in.
my mates last wage slip was different this month,he seems to be paying more tax than usual,so he went and asked the boss and was told that the whole country is on emergency tax at the moment so we are all paying more and should recieve a rebate in the future,he's been with the company for over 10 years so it's not as if he's a new employee who always start off on emergency tax.. iv'e never heard anything like this before?
is something dodgy going on
This is an e mail I got we got at work the other day:
We will shortly be issuing the payslips for those being paid on the 17th April 2003, and employees may notice a difference to their net pay. This is due to new PAYE legislation being introduced for the tax year 2003/2004.
National Insurance Contributions
The basic rate of National Insurance has risen from 10% to 11%. The Inland Revenue have also made changes to the Upper Earnings Limit for contributions. Previously the maximum amount that an employee could pay was £215.00 based upon an Upper Earnings Limit of £2535.00 per month. Earnings over this amount did not attract National Insurance for employees. The new legislation raises the Upper Earnings limit to £2579 per month, but introduces a 1% charge on all earnings over this sum. Therefore all employees will see a difference to their payments, with some being affected more than others due to this new legislation.
Income Tax - Tax Credits
In April 2003 Working Families' Tax Credit (WFTC), Disabled Person's Tax Credit (DPTC) and the Children's Tax Credit will be replaced by two new tax credits. These will be called Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit. To receive these tax credits you need to claim using the new tax credit claim form (TC600). Alternatively, you can visit the Inland Revenue website (< >) to make a claim on-line or to get further information. Existing WFTC or DPTC customers, are likely to qualify for the new tax credits and should already have received a claim form through the post. Those employees who received a Children's Tax Credit in 2002/2003 received this as an allowance through their PAYE code numbers, and by now you should have received a new coding notice for 2003/04. You will have noticed that Children's Tax Credit allowance has disappeared. This will result in higher tax deductions from your salary payments from April 2003 onwards. This is because the Child Tax Credit will, from April 2003, be paid directly to the person in the family mainly responsible for looking after the children. If you have not been advised of your new PAYE code number, or your tax credit amount then please contact the Inland Revenue on 0845 300 3900. Please note that payments for the Working Tax Credit, which are paid through the payroll, are effective from the 18th May 2003, and as this is a daily payment employees will only receive a part month payment in May 2003. If you have any questions regarding payment up to this date please contact the Inland Revenue on 0845 300 3900.