GRRRRRRR They make you so angry and have to read scriptures and make it so you look bad !
Ooooh they make me sooooo angry !!!!!
elder #1 - former father in law of our daughter in law's sister, and 75 years old.
elder #2: wt conductor at our former congregation.
blah blah blah .
GRRRRRRR They make you so angry and have to read scriptures and make it so you look bad !
Ooooh they make me sooooo angry !!!!!
is it just me, or there others who have no room for religion in their lives?.
i appreciate that others are entitled to their beliefs and opinions concerning such beliefs, but i am amazed at the number of posters, who, after years of being oppressed and mislead by religion, still manage to garner some sense from the whole notion of god / religion / spirituality.. cheeses the cynic.
I believe there is something but it certainly aint Jah ! and his "Loving" organisation !
grrrrrr need to vent !.
ok of my two step sisters the one who was punched in the mouth for not going to the meeting and left the "truth" me and her get on so well and i love her to bits.
the other one is a jw and a nasty b*tch, she lives with her non jw mum in preperation for moving to los angeles in september.. non jw sister called me the other day to say that she has an audition for pop idol and she has produced a song to be sent to record companies, i am proud of her and know someone at a record company so i am going to e mail the song to her, but needed to call sisters mum to ask her to e mail it to me, we get on well so no probs there, when i called jw sis answers the phone, not recognising my voice passes me on to her mother, we have a little chat and she says "its matt on the phone, you wanna speak to him" answer a big firm "no", this girl has only ever sponged off me, last time she spoke to me was to ask me for money, when i said no that was it, no more contact !
He he, thought you would be there Mrs ! It sounds awfull to say this but I hate her ! I think Naomi alone would be enough to take the girl down ! lol
Xena, sorry you have to put up with it to - oh well, at least I have made some on line sisters - some consolation I suppose !
worst dream i had (apart from armageddon ones) was when i stood up walked away from the sofa and when i looked back i could still see me sleeping on the sofa, that was shooooo weird.
so then i go up to me and grab me by the arm to wake me up, i could feel my arm as a seperate being....i woke up in a real sweat, totally freaked out.
whats your worst freakyish dream?.
Bittersweat - you are a hun ! If you ever want anything let me know. Never see you on Yahoo Messenger to talk to you !
it will be a busy day today, so the kids put together a little celebration for me last night.
the eleven year old baked a cake.
it was chocolate with green frosting and sprinkles.
Happy Birthday !!!!
i have never understood why jw's cannot celebrate their birthday but can celebrate the anniversary of their wedding date?
i am somewhat resentful that my 18th and 21st birthdays came and went like any other day.
the only consolation i have is that my kid's birthdays are going to kick ass.
Birthdays because some bloke had his head cut off at a birthday party so because it is bad then they dont celebrate - jeez I cant believe I used to tell people that !!!!!
grrrrrr need to vent !.
ok of my two step sisters the one who was punched in the mouth for not going to the meeting and left the "truth" me and her get on so well and i love her to bits.
the other one is a jw and a nasty b*tch, she lives with her non jw mum in preperation for moving to los angeles in september.. non jw sister called me the other day to say that she has an audition for pop idol and she has produced a song to be sent to record companies, i am proud of her and know someone at a record company so i am going to e mail the song to her, but needed to call sisters mum to ask her to e mail it to me, we get on well so no probs there, when i called jw sis answers the phone, not recognising my voice passes me on to her mother, we have a little chat and she says "its matt on the phone, you wanna speak to him" answer a big firm "no", this girl has only ever sponged off me, last time she spoke to me was to ask me for money, when i said no that was it, no more contact !
Thanks everyone for your messages - as always you make me feel much better!
Love the quote with the scripture Scully, I am now tempted to write a letter and quote that - nice one thanks
and essie, same boat eh ? sorry mate hugs back to you too, it hurts like a kick in the gut though all the same.
well, obviously we english don't qualify on that score as we simply do not have any accent whatsoever.. but i do like the mid to south us accent, it's very warm and hospitable.
i'm not too keen on the accent of the eastern europeans, it seems harsh and bombastic.
El Kabong - I take it that was the Brooklyn accent, I can speak Cockney if you can talk Brooklyn to me - Deal ?
worst dream i had (apart from armageddon ones) was when i stood up walked away from the sofa and when i looked back i could still see me sleeping on the sofa, that was shooooo weird.
so then i go up to me and grab me by the arm to wake me up, i could feel my arm as a seperate being....i woke up in a real sweat, totally freaked out.
whats your worst freakyish dream?.
Cool, thanks Bittersweet, had almost forgotten - what do I owe you ?
it's the local council and parliamentary elections in scotland today and i've voted for the first time.
the rain and voter apathy look harder to overcome than witness indoctrination as up to now the turn out seems low.. strangely, my jw family, despite their neutrality, are all keenly interested in how i vote.
i wonder if they could be persuaded to break the taboo.
Oh so did I - really enjoyed it too - but I was kinda dissapointed, I wazs hoping a local JW would see it, but nah nothing. Voted Independant as this little old village councellor comes around every so often with his little newsletter - bless him ! unfortunatly the others are useless parties.