A householder told me an elder had cheated them in a business deal. I didn't know what to say, doubting the elder was guilty but knowing it was possible. I asked another elder about it, and he said we should always defend our brothers and say they wouldn't engage in such wrongdoing. I didn't say anything (being a good sister) but couldn't help thinking: What if the brother actually was guilty? How would the householder feel if we insisted otherwise?
Several years later I went with a sister on a study. She told the student we could trust the elders to do right and take care of the congregation. I said that if they didn't, Jehovah would correct the situation in time. She repeated herself. I said, very nicely, "But if they did...." "But they wouldn't."
I had in mind the elder accused of dishonest business practices. I still didn't know whether he was guilty of that, but I did know, and so did the the other sister, that he was guilty of molesting numerous children and had been disfellowshiped. In spite of that she still told the Bible student we could trust the elders not to do harm.