My mother is "anointed" and has been partaking since the mid-eighties. When she started partaking, there was the usual murmurs from everyone which varied in tone between disapproval to suspicion, with a very minority of approval. I know that it was heartburn for the elders. All of our family suffered for it. Remember? New partakers were not supposed to happen and their diminishing number was supposed to be proof that the end was near. So, you can imagine, sometimes, I think we were being treated like it was my mother's fault that Armageddon had not happened yet.
It was only until she talked/socialized with the more "revered"/older remnant, that the congregation (and the elders) seem to treat her as one. I sat through so many dinners and get-togethers surrounded by the "anointed". All I can say is that they all seemed ernest, sincere, and completely 100% delusional.