just finished mine. ;)
but we got the new harry potter book!.
i was amazed how many high school and college aged kids were there....jk rowling certainly has a gift.
just finished mine. ;)
i think for me, it is if someone doesn't believe that what i say is sincere or honest.
i find that insulting.
what about you??
well, lets see...
every sunday i have brunch at my dads house, hes a wonderful cook. his wife does not like me (because im not a witness like she and her perfect children are). however, she was always careful to do and say the things she did behind my dads back. he was aware there was tension, but not aware of the extent her behavior had gone to.
i tried for a long time to just ignore her because, quite honestly, what she thinks of me means little if anything and it would only put my dad in a difficult situation if i were to put him in the middle. and so it went on, her making snide comments and treating me as less than human and me ignoring her. however, i always found it odd that the bathroom door was locked when i went over there forcing me to go well out of my way to get to the other bathroom. given her animosity towards me i always wondered if she was locking me out of the bathroom and would quickly tell myself, "no, its just one of her odd little quirks, youre being paranoid, who would really lock someone out of a bathroom?"
time goes on and i ended up inviting my dad and her to go to chicago with me to see a show with my sister and i. i decided i was really going to go out of my way to be nice to her and try to get along for my dads sake. needless to say it didnt work so i talked to my sister about it and asked if she saw the things step mommy dearest did, or if i was just being paranoid and over-reacting. my sister hems and haws and finally says theres something she hasnt told me. it seems the last time my sister and i were both at my dads house she came across the locked door and asked my dads wife about it. my dads wife tells me sister (who is also a witness), "well, you know, jackies not a witness. i think she has a lot of male friends and i know shes friends with some lesbians, and, well, im just not sure about her lifestyle. so, im just not comfortable enough with her to believe shes clean enough to sit on my toilet."
oh, yes... im so not making this up. and *that* is the worst insult ive ever received.
welcome to the worldwide brotherhood on the web!
please feel free to post discussion boards and to make replies to those already posted.
however the following rules must be observed to maintain order and an encouraging and theocratic enviroment.
i find it telling that in rule number 12 time spent with family and in prayer are mention last after time studying, time at the meetings, time in field service, etc.
how did you find this site?
did you make a search in google for jw's, or did someone tell you about this forum?.
how did you end up here?
i had heard about the dateline special about the witnesses after it aired and figured i could probably find it online. i went to dogpile, not sure what i searched for, but found it here ;)
yep, it's that time again!
so, how's your weekend going?
after a week of rain, we were pleased to see a bright sunny wintery day.
thanks ;)
yep, it's that time again!
so, how's your weekend going?
after a week of rain, we were pleased to see a bright sunny wintery day.
The "Sunday" program has had a devastating effect on many dubs here in Oz...
what was in the sunday program that was so devastating?
this is the link to the printed story.
if you want to watch it scroll about half way down the page and on the right hand side is a multimedia link to the streaming video.. .
this is the link to the printed story. if you want to watch it scroll about half way down the page and on the right hand side is a multimedia link to the streaming video.
how does bob marley like his doughnuts?.
.. .. "wi jammin"
Did you hear about the fire at the circus?
It was intense (in tents)
okay, here's my submission, for your laughter and/or groans:.
there once was a witness called fred,.
who thought that he was by god led.. he studied his greek,.
the evilness of the red beast
(which was really the UN when fleeced)
was taught even though
they were an NGO
so, of course, this "truth" must now be ceased.
jackie <--- loves silly limericks.
okay, here's my submission, for your laughter and/or groans:.
there once was a witness called fred,.
who thought that he was by god led.. he studied his greek,.
they claim their prophesies proven
so certainly it would behoove 'em
to get a date right
and yet they cant quite
so they simply continue to move 'em.
jackie ;)