Simon has already said this: This is not an ex-jw board. At least it's not intended to be. But a discussion board centered around jehovah's witnesses.
Truth is, there are alot of people here. I've seen a few active jw's, alot of ex-jw's, a few muslims and more athiests.
Anyway, I may disagree with COJ, but I'm not going to mock and jeer them. Laughing and "screaming" all loud, shooting spit wads across the room.
They've put forth the invitation, whatever their intent/reason may be. I have the choice to either look at it or not. Ask questions or comment. Answer some questions... "tell me why". Figure out where their coming from and then let them know where I'm coming from.
Honestly, I commend Blondie in her approach. If anything, that makes me respect a person more.