What puzzles me is how this half witted, hillbilly cowboy bozo idiot (who is deluded enough to think he was picked by his chosen deity), became the most powerful man on the planet. Having a pillock like him in charge worries me, and his ass-kissing poodle sidekick Blair makes me feel ashamed to be british. So, mr Bush - if you're the God-loving Christian you say you are, how does killing innocent Iraqi women and children fit in with the commandment "thou shalt not kill?". As evil as Saddam Hussein is, i don't think blowing innocent people to bits will help things. And one more question, Georgie boy, are you sure that this "war" is about peace, and not oil?
JoinedPosts by figureheaduk
Does the president believe he has a divine mandate
by Ravyn inan evolving faith .
does the president believe he has a divine mandate?
What would the late, great Bill Hicks made of it ?
by figureheaduk inthese days, during the age of the internet, i wonder what bill would have made of the wtbts?
i know that he had a lot of bile to spout at catholicism etc, but since the growth of the internet (and it's wealth of info about most things) sometime after his death in '94 i wonder what he would made of the watchtower and it's false predictions / paedophile protection etc.
anybody know if there are any comedians out there with good anti-watchtower stuff?.
These days, during the age of the internet, I wonder what Bill would have made of the WTBTS? I know that he had a lot of bile to spout at catholicism etc, but since the growth of the internet (and it's wealth of info about most things) sometime after his death in '94 I wonder what he would made of the watchtower and it's false predictions / paedophile protection etc. Anybody know if there are any comedians out there with good anti-watchtower stuff?
p.s. rest in peace Bill - keep 'em laughing and questioning everything wherever you are
email campaign against the watchtower
by figureheaduk inafter reading the thread "sharon rowe to be df'd tonight" on this board, and reading the replies, i felt so sick at the watchtower organization that i felt the drunken urge to send the watchtower a very short (but straight to the point) email saying "f**k your organization and all your false prophecies, do you ever think about the many lives you've helped to destroy (if not totally destroyed?".
i sent it to [email protected] - it got returned 30 seconds later.
anybody else have a direct e-mail adress for this lying, evil, money grabbing cult?
Sorry, it sould have read "Sharon Roe to be Df'd tonight". Just noticed something - isn't the .org at the end of a website supposed to mean a charity or other non-profit making organization ( when you appear in the new york times' top 100 and make profits of miilions of $//euros/yen/whatever how can you be seen as a charity??) Something tells me the watchtower's website should be www.watchtower.com or better still something like
sorry if it seems a bit long winded. As an outsider who has never been, and never will be a part of their way of things, that's how things look.
email campaign against the watchtower
by figureheaduk inafter reading the thread "sharon rowe to be df'd tonight" on this board, and reading the replies, i felt so sick at the watchtower organization that i felt the drunken urge to send the watchtower a very short (but straight to the point) email saying "f**k your organization and all your false prophecies, do you ever think about the many lives you've helped to destroy (if not totally destroyed?".
i sent it to [email protected] - it got returned 30 seconds later.
anybody else have a direct e-mail adress for this lying, evil, money grabbing cult?
After reading the thread "Sharon Rowe to be Df'd tonight" on this board, and reading the replies, i felt so sick at the watchtower organization that I felt the drunken urge to send the watchtower a very short (but straight to the point) email saying "f**k your organization and all your false prophecies, do you ever think about the many lives you've helped to destroy (if not totally destroyed?". I sent it to [email protected] - it got returned 30 seconds later. Anybody else have a direct e-mail adress for this lying, evil, money grabbing cult? i know that on their crappy website there's that form you can fill in to get a bible study but just think, we can all send a mass email to them telling them what we think about them. To (kind of) qoute Cowboy Bush "Are you with us or against us?". Not that they would listen to us unbelievers/godless heathens/apostates/etc but any kind of cathartic release against the wanktower has to be a good thing
Elders authority over non JW's?
by figureheaduk injust been looking at e-watchman's mailbag (a bit one sided to say the least.........), and there was a question from a girl who is studying with someone else who she's fallen in love with.
it seems that she's been told that they can't date until they've both been baptized - so she asked the e-watchman his advice.
the first sentence of his reply was "the elders in the congregation don't really have authority over those who are not part of the congregation".
In other words they DO have the authority to rule/govern
Yeah, right. As if I would willingly give my obediance to an organization that:
1) Has falsely predicted armageddon a number of times since the late 19th century, and then blamed their followers for reading into things the wrong way.
2) Forbids it's followers from joining the military, while coining it in from it's association with people like Rand Cam
3) Has switched back and forth it's doctrines (i.e. the blood issue, UN involvement etc) many times over the years
4) Forbids it's followers from having association with former members (including family members). How much heartbreak and misery has this caused over the years?
5) Often contradicts what science and history can otherwise prove true
5) Protects child molesters by using bible verses that basically say "it didn't happen if the bad guy doesn't confess, or if there aren't at least two witnesses" How many child molesters do you think will own up, and how many acts of child abuse do you think have at least two witnesses? And how many poor, innocent victims have been ostracized by their families and congregations due to this lunacy, while at the same time the violator is free to roam possibly targeting other youngsters?
The Watchtower makes me sick. How they can get away with it all is beyond me. Thankfully, i have never been a part of it, and luckily, never will be.
"Their tolerance of disrespect is in imitation of god and christ's "
Could you ever have respect for this kind of thing. I know i couldn't!
Elders authority over non JW's?
by figureheaduk injust been looking at e-watchman's mailbag (a bit one sided to say the least.........), and there was a question from a girl who is studying with someone else who she's fallen in love with.
it seems that she's been told that they can't date until they've both been baptized - so she asked the e-watchman his advice.
the first sentence of his reply was "the elders in the congregation don't really have authority over those who are not part of the congregation".
Just been looking at E-watchman's mailbag (a bit one sided to say the least.........), and there was a question from a girl who is studying with someone else who she's fallen in love with. It seems that she's been told that they can't date until they've both been baptized - so she asked the E-watchman his advice. The first sentence of his reply was "The elders in the congregation don't really have authority over those who are not part of the congregation". Please tell me that those running this (dodgy at best) organization/cult/money making scam honestly dont believe they have any authority over the 99.9% of the population that are not JW's.
I might have read into this the wrong way, but that's what it seems to be implying to me.
FOLLOW UP (dinosaurs, aliens and the watchtower)
by figureheaduk ini sent the following question to the e-watchman's question and answers page last week (as well as starting a thread about it here).
here is the question and e-watchman's reply: .
if the bible supposedly gives the true history of the world since the beginning, why doesn't it mention dinosaurs?
I sent the following question to the E-watchman's question and answers page last week (as well as starting a thread about it here). Here is the question and E-watchman's reply:
If the bible supposedly gives the true history of the world since the beginning, why doesn't it mention Dinosaurs? What is the society's view of the dinosaurs? Does the GB take the view that fossils are there to test our faith, or do they have another explanation? Also do you know what the society's view of UFO's / extra terrestrial life?
The Bible does mention dinosaurs. Genesis 1:21 refers to "the great sea monsters" that Jehovah produced on the 5th creative day. An alternative rendering for "sea monsters" is great reptiles. That is exactly what dinosaurs were--great reptiles. Apparently, Jehovah created the giant reptiles to serve the ecology by converting massive amounts of verdant plant material into compost and topsoil. At some point, though, Jehovah's purpose concerning the great reptiles was concluded. Whether the dinosaurs were destroyed by some great extinction event before the deluge, or whether by the great deluge itself, certainly the fossil record bears much evidence of a global cataclysm that drastically changed the earth and caused the great reptilian monsters to suddenly vanish. As far as UFOs are concerned, I can't recall that the Watchtower has written much on that topic. But, I am certain that they view UFO's as originating with the demons.
The bible mentions "sea monsters". Ok fair enough, but what about the large numbers of dinosaurs that lived on the land? Why use "great reptiles" as an alternative? Just using the term "sea monsters" is a bit vague as to their appearance (reptillian or not), and also implies that the only dinosaurs were those that lived in the sea. Shouldn't "great reptiles" be used at all times to avoid confusion? I've heared that early crocodiles and shark like creatures existed towards the end of the cretacious period - in which case why oh why did Jehovah/Yahweh/YHVH/ Santa Claus allow them to survive and evolve. Could he not have spared the brontosaurus?
I take it that "the great deluge" means the great flood, which once again shows the WTS's disregard for science and history (the supposed flood being a few thousand years ago while the dinosaurs met their end 65 million years ago)
If you can, Listen to the late, great Bill Hicks' "dinosaurs in the bible" stand-up routine. Funny as f**k!
NEVER!....allow a non-christian into your home!
by gumby in"for many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that jesus christ is come in the flesh.
this is a deceiver and an anti-christ.. if there come any unto you, and bring not his doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him god speed: for he that biddeth him god speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
" 2nd john 7, 10-11. what i want to know is....how many of you heathen bastards are guilty of this awfull practice?.
Welsh Heathen Bastard..... Standing By
Great Depeche Mode Quotes from songs
by Beans ini love music from every different era and all types, but one band that i enjoy alot is depeche mode!
usually i don't listen to words or take them in alot, but alot of there lyrics are pretty deep and say some interesting things!
you cant change the world.
"But somewhere, there's someone who cares, with a heart of gold, to have and to hold" (To Have and To Hold)
"Gave more for you, dropped my crutches and crawled on the floor for you, went looking behind every door for you" (Rush)
"Sitting target, sitting praying, god is saying, nothing" (Nothing)
"All the islands in the ocean, all the heavens in motion, let me show you the world in my eyes" (World in my eyes)
Ah, Depeche Mode...... a truly fantastic band!
Dinosaurs, Aliens and the Watchtower
by figureheaduk indoes anybody know what the watchtower's teachings on dinosaurs are (except for the ones that make up the governing body!
Does anybody know what the watchtower's teachings on dinosaurs are (except for the ones that make up the Governing body!)?. Also anyone know if they have said anything about extra terrestrial life or UFO's? I seem to remember hearing one ex witness saying something about dinosaurs were only put on earth to flatten the planet, but I'm pretty sure not even the WTBTS would teach something as stupid as that (would they?)