The Watchtower is not for the good of the people, so it should not be funded
Right on, Hamas!
a few months back i was at my girlfriend's placed when i noticed a copy of the watchtower on her dining table.
if i remember correctly, the picture on the front cover was that of a donations bowl being passed from one hand to another, with the title being something along the lines of "religion : should it be funded?
" i didn't read the article (or any other part of that damned magazine for that matter), but i'm guessing that the following may have came up in that article in one way or another:.
The Watchtower is not for the good of the people, so it should not be funded
Right on, Hamas!
well, i finally got a response to my letter, and it only took them almost three months!
models of efficiency, they are.
actually, big tex and i think they had to run this through the legal department.
(((((((Cruzanheart and Big Tex)))))))
I'm so saddened (and angered) by this. Once again, they prove how heartless they really are, and even go as far as accusing you of lying (which is mighty rich, coming from that lot!). Every day I hear story after story about how the WTS has destroyed families and ruined lives - it only serves to make me despise those running the show even more, day after day, week after week. My deepest sympathy and eternal best wishes to you both.
Lee / figureheaduk (of the "right, that does it! where's my cricket bat?" class)
a few months back i was at my girlfriend's placed when i noticed a copy of the watchtower on her dining table.
if i remember correctly, the picture on the front cover was that of a donations bowl being passed from one hand to another, with the title being something along the lines of "religion : should it be funded?
" i didn't read the article (or any other part of that damned magazine for that matter), but i'm guessing that the following may have came up in that article in one way or another:.
Hi everyone
A few months back I was at my girlfriend's placed when I noticed a copy of the watchtower on her dining table. If I remember correctly, the picture on the front cover was that of a donations bowl being passed from one hand to another, with the title being something along the lines of "RELIGION : should it be funded?" I didn't read the article (or any other part of that damned magazine for that matter), but I'm guessing that the following may have came up in that article in one way or another:
1) The usual about the WTS being the only "true rligion" and that all other religions are false, worshipping satan etc
2) The quote from the bible about "bringing in the tenth part" (can't remember which book it was in)
3) Not giving anything to other religions because if you do, then you are basically funding the guy with the red, scaly skin ( and by that I mean satan, and not Tom Jones!)
4) Subtly trying to tell the reader to try and give as much money as possible to the WTS, and not only giving various methods of making donations, but also an adress of where to send donations.
The reason why I'm asking these questions is that I was wondering how predictable the Borg really is. Was I right, or way off?
Thanks and warm greetings to all
Leebo / figureheaduk
p.s. if anyone has any scans, quotes or text from this (or any similar) article, then I'd be very grateful!
i posted a thread about sending a letter to my jw best friend yesterday i think.
while doing that, i thought about a friend of mine who i went to school with, and we were already friends, but she saw me give my english teacher the "school brochure".
after i left the portiable, she asked me if i was a jw.
Hi Jesika
I'm really happy for you! One thing I've always found is that rekindling old friendships is often just as fun as starting new ones.......
Take care and good luck!
Lee xx
have you noticed how milton henschel is a dead ringer for captain picard?
I can see the similarity - makes me wonder if Henschel's last words were something like "Mr Jaracz, you have the bridge.........."
to begin let's start with some ... reminders: .
the truth will not allow for all the different kinds of religious doctrine in the worldthere can not be two sets of truth when one does not agree with the other.
one or the other is true, but not both.
I tend to think of them as false prophets (amongst other things). Not really sure why.........
(old news now, i know - but it made me snigger!
before you ask, most are based on uk tv shows).
06.00 - morning prayers.
(Old news now, I know - but it made me snigger! p.s. before you ask, most are based on UK TV shows)
06.00 - Morning Prayers
07.30 - "The Rock 'n Roll Years 629 AD" - A look back at the events of the last year, including the execution of 2,300 dissidents and theopening of a new French oil refinery.
08.00 - FILM: "Saddambusters" - Dramatisation of the glorious 1991 Iraqi victory in Kuwait.
09.30 - "Have I Got Genocide For You" - Celebrities make weapons of mass destruction out of everyday objects.
10.00 - "Holiday" - The team check out nice places for the Saddam family to retire. Featuring: North Korea, Rhodesia and France.
10.30 - "M*U*S*T*A*S*H"
11.30 - "Tomorrow's World" - New torture inventions for scientists who refuse to make nuclear bombs.
12.00 - "Green Peter" - The total amount of smallpox virus bought by the milk bottle top appeal is revealed. Also - three ways to burn a
flag, and how to make a President Bush effigy.
12.30 - "Only Fools and Camels" - Dhal-Boy offloads some dodgy French rocket-launchers to a bloke from Hamas.
13.30 - "Koranation Street" - Deirdrie faces execution by cat o'nine tails for being a shiite. Benny is hung upside-down for being homosexual.
14.00 - "Question Time" - Members of the public face awkward questions from the Secret Service.
15.00 - "Allah McBeal"
15.30 - "You've Bin Ladened" - Amusing footage shot secretly in Iraq's prisons. The film-makers were also secretly shot.
16.00 - "Middle-East Enders" - The entire cast is beheaded for not saluting when Saddam comes on the telly.
16.30 - "Sadd's Army" - The Basra-on-Sea home guard repel another attack by evil, imperialist, Zionist backed infidels. Fraser has his willy hacked off for stealing some of Corporal Jones's sausages.
17.00 - "Wheel of Terror"
17.30 - "Talitubbies" - Dipsy and Tinky-Winky make nerve-gas.
18.00 - FILM: "Saddam's Angels" - The three burkha-clad sleuths go undercover to expose an evil scheme to bring democracy and free speech to Iraq.
19.30 - "Big Brother" - Who will be taken to Baghdad and executed this week?
20.30 - "Xena: Modestly Dressed Housewife" - Xena stays at home in a mask and does some housework.
21.30 - "Buffy the Yankee Imperialist Dog Slayer".
22.30 - "The Sky At Night" - What to see in the Iraqi night sky during March: including B52 Bombers, Stealth Fighters and Cruise Missiles
"osama bin laden's masturbation problem was so bad that he didnt even notice his mates had called around for him.
"Osama Bin Laden's masturbation problem was so bad that he didnt even notice his mates had called around for him."
i've just been reading an article on the jwmedia site about a study into wt literature that has been ordered by a russian court..
it goes into the usual wt waffle about the persecution and harrassment of jws, religious freedom etc, but the following quote caught my eye:the study also revealed a much higher level of education among jehovah's witnesses (when compared with that of the average muscovite), which tends toward independent rational thinking and decision-making.
now, this would give joe public that the average jw is therefore able to think for himself, and reach his own conclusions independantly.
I did think of mentioning the education thing too but didn't really have time to try and dredge up some old WT quotes on higher education........
"The lord looks over who cowers in the watchtower"(Skinny Puppy - "T.F.W.O")