Hi Mac, Thanks for the info. I propose that the agenda of the modern corporate watchtower is tied to its history. For example; you introduced Russell's pyramid theology and the sun disk. The myths of the sun disk are connected to a large stellar body which makes regular journey into our solar system. Compare Mat 24:29 This large stellar body seems to come out the Orion constellation and darkens the sun; its blood-red color is seen in the moon's reflective light and meteorites pepper the earth during close flybys. It apparently causes the earth to vibrate on its axis. Orion is next to the Taurus constellation with The Plieades; the Great Triangle of Sirius,Procyon and Betelgeuse is beside Orion. It is not without significance that Russells' light-house watchtower resembles the FreeMasonic tarot card light-house because the watch tower is a symbol of Illuminism, the restoration of the preflood Golden Age where spirit Watchers acted as Big Brother over humanity. Russell apparently knew about the movement of the large stellar body; his theology of the rapture in 1881 or 1883 seems related to his suspicion of its return in those years. He may have been 120 years out. The image of a watchtower on the magazine bearing the same name is a subliminal reminder that the watchtower corporation is still a champion, not of God's New Earth, but of the pagan, luciferian plan to forge a totalitarian New World or New System of Things. If the watchtower is pagan one should expect an orwellian culture replete with demon phobia, corporate scandals, pedophilia, immorality, doublethink, authoritarian governance and an elitist mentality with the rank and file treated as serfs, etc.. Think about it.
JoinedPosts by blackguard
1919.WTBS Inc.'s holy year!
by MacHislopp inby the wtbs inc. as years with a special and/or
(part one )
"jehovah's witnesss in the divine purpose " published by the wtbs inc. .
Are there only two ways out of the WT World?
by Maverick inwe are told we can quit (dissassociate) or get kicked out ( dissfellowshipped), but are these the only options we have?
while you cannot stop people from acting a certain way around you there may be a way to take to power away from the society and give it back to the people who love you and know it their hearts that shunning in unloving.
check out the baptism nullification letter in the friends forum posted by blackguard.
Hi Maverick,
You should have re-posted your Baptism Nullification document. I've got a bunch of questions for you. Yes, fade-away is an option, but with obvious drawbacks as some posters on the jwd forum have experienced. With a vengeance, the spiritual terrorists have been known to hunt down fade-aways with the intent to hurt them with threats of congregational discipline and/or disfellowshipment or place them in a position to have to disassociate.
The thing I like about your Baptism Nullification method is that it takes the stick out of the hand of these spiritual thugs and probably puts the lawsuit stick in the hand of the BN candidate should he/she be negatively labelled or impacted by the practitioners of hurtfullness, otherwise known as jaydubs. Has there been any libel or slander toward your person yet, and are you considering any libel/slander lawsuit action at this point now that you have restored your 'worldly' status?( I use "worldly" rather loosely here in the context of pagan watchtowerdom as you seem to be stating that you had a neighbor baptize you into a relationship with God and his Son subsequent to your reinstated watchtower worldliness). I presume in your particulat instance that your spiritual preference is Christianity, or is the subsequent baptism a necessary legal manouver in the application of the Baptism Nullification process?
So, instead of the limiting choice of disfellowshipment, disassociation or fade-away one now has a fourth choice, baptism nullification. This method seems to be all about restoring freedom back to the individual. I love it. Hey-when you stated that your baptism was "illegitimate" did you mean the corporate watchtower baptism or, as I understood you to mean, the baptism performed by your neighbor in his pool? Could you clarify?
by justhuman inback in 1990 we found out with some friends(most of us left the borg) that the wt uses demonic pictures in their publicactions, specially the live for ever book... .
when the elders found out that we had this discussion they called us and asked questions why did we had this kind of discussion... .
i remember one of them was shouting (i thing he was possesed) and saying to us that this are what apostates are saying in order to harm the organization... .
"I am a mason"---"I am not a mason" is not double speak. When Russell uttered this contradiction(1908?), he was identifying himself to the Illuminists within the FreeMasonic audience. Posts by Berten and Avenger make pertinent points regarding the mumbo-jumbo of language deconstruction or metaphysical jabberwocky that occultic gnostics practise.
Now poster RR is compelled to have a revisionist spin on Russell because he is a hero worshipper of Russell. RR is what the jayduds call a Russellite. Check out his website if there's any doubt.
Extrication via Baptism Nullification
by blackguard into those anguished jay dubs faced with unrighteous disfellowshipment or its unpleasant alternative, disassociation, here is something which looks promising.
it may work better in countries outside of corporate america.
the thread can be found on channelc.
Hi Guys,
Qwerty--I would argue that asking for confirmation is synonomous to acknowledging WTS control over your spiritual life and this is anathema to this process.
Paduan--It might behoove the individual considering this method to spend $200 for an hour of an attorney's time to get the vernacular right. I think it is Cynthia Hampton of the LA-OC website on Freeminds links who is an attorney advising xjws and jws.
I suppose the benefit of this method is the potential for lawsuit against the local and parent WTS corporations. If you're claiming a spiritual condition before your baptism by deception, and hence a reversion to a "worldly" person, should they HENCEFORTH label you, which the jayduds are notorious practisers, then the issue of libel or slander is raised.
I understand, the author Maverick, has already been labelled and been adversely impacted by the scurrillous practise in a non-spiritual area of his life. I get the impression Maverick is presently making a case by collecting evidence and witnesses for a lawsuit. I should imagine that the individuals involved in the libellous labelling practise that this Baptism Nullification method presents, could also place themselves in a postion to be sued.
This process or method, as I see it, has multi mutual advantages both for the initiator and those jayduds that wish to remain on speaking terms with such a "worldly" person, either family, friends and business relationships.
Extrication via Baptism Nullification
by blackguard into those anguished jay dubs faced with unrighteous disfellowshipment or its unpleasant alternative, disassociation, here is something which looks promising.
it may work better in countries outside of corporate america.
the thread can be found on channelc.
To those anguished jay dubs faced with unrighteous disfellowshipment or its unpleasant alternative, disassociation, here is something which looks promising. It may work better in countries outside of corporate America. The thread can be found on channelc.
Baptism Nullification Letter
Posted by Maverick on Sun - Feb 9 - 2:07pm:
To Whom it may concern:
After years of diligent, reflective study and consideration with regard to my great love for the True God, His Son and His word the Bible, as of this date(type it date)I find myself compelled to officially nullify my verbal agreement known as Baptism.
I believe the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society to be a legal corporation which directs, through a governing body, the meetings held by the local corporations and ratified by the membership at each Kingdom Hall. And its correspondences to the local groups are so affirmed. This body of men maintains hierarchical control over each Kingdom Hall as proven in the court case in Bonham, Texas in 1986. Henceforth this "corporate governing body" shall be referred to as the "Corporation" in this formal statement.
The "Corporation" claims to be the legal directors of the sole religious representatives of God and His Son on Earth, a claim that cannot be substantiated. I, in good conscience, conclude that this constitutes an invalidation of any implied agreement, verbal or otherwise, made by me in good faith with the religious group known as Jehovah's Witnesses. My baptism pledge was orchestrated by what I erroneously believed to be a singularly religious body in accordance with their stated claim that with Jehovah's Witnesses instruction I could have a viable relationship with God and His Son. A pledge, I later discovered, not found in scripture. Although duped, I followed through to the best of my ability, believing the obligations laid upon me were by Gods Word.
The "Corporation" has proven to be in violation of the impied intention of its religious sub-partner in this arrangement. The "Corporation" inserts unconditional loyalty to IT as proof of loyalty to God and His Son. This was more blatantly obvious by the change made in the aforementioned pledge in 1985. And the "Corporation" requires of its member's absolute acceptance of ITS interpretations of world events and trends as stated truths of Gods intentions and actions. Never, when giving my verbal affirmation at my baptismal swearing in was it my intention to be a party to, or willing member of, any corporation with such a manifesto. Therefore, my baptism was formulated under dubious and misleading pretenses and consequently any resulting conditions of this alleged membership are unenforceable, null and void.
This statement asserts no malicious intent as to the motive of the "Corporation".
This is not a letter of disassociation.
My status within the community at large is the same as a person who was never baptized. The "Corporation" is hereby instructed to amend my membership status in accordance with this statement on any and all records of said "Corporation" and its corporate and or religious affiliations. And the "Corporation" is instructed to file this statement in its permanent records as added proof of compliance.
This statement is not subject to interpretation or any internal judicial,(Star Chamber), review or AD HOMINEN attacts, as it is my stated belief; I was never actually a member! I contend the "Corporations" power emanates solely from its members abdication of authority. I would never, knowingly, give what is rightfully Gods to men.
No reply, verbal or written, by any "Corporate" representative is necessary or invited. Any such attempted contacts will be received with the same regard as all other uninvited solicitations.
"Truth stands tall against scrutiny, only the lie tries to suppress". -
by justhuman inback in 1990 we found out with some friends(most of us left the borg) that the wt uses demonic pictures in their publicactions, specially the live for ever book... .
when the elders found out that we had this discussion they called us and asked questions why did we had this kind of discussion... .
i remember one of them was shouting (i thing he was possesed) and saying to us that this are what apostates are saying in order to harm the organization... .
Hi, Psychology literature which I've read claims that subliminal conditioning is effective, but not upon all people. Is the Watchtower spiritistic? My research says unequivocally, Yes. It has been since its inception. Is it FreeMasonic? Yes and no. Freemasonry until recent times has been relatively secretive. But Illuminism which is a secret society within FreeMasonry is still such. Russell and all his corporate successors have been following a Marxist agenda that's dictated by Illuminists. But to think this way one runs the risk of being labelled as some sort of weirdo or conspiracist. Besides, everyone knows today that only Moslems are conspiratorial---Right? Enron executives didn't conspire to defraud: Tony Blair's Iraq dossier isn't a conspiracy to decieve: The secret US-COG scheme isn't the result of covert planning:The corporate Watchtower was never affiliated with the UN and it doesn't hold stocks and doesn't make beaucoup bucks trading on the bourses. So it doesn't behoove anyone who thinks outside the reality presented by the six o'clock news to say anything different---no-one's gonna listen.
God's Name?
by seeking_truth inanother question for everyone.
i have read through some of the threads, posts or whatever and even though there is a sense of disagreement over witnesses and the society, their way of handling the words of the bible.
i was curious to know if anyone does believe jehovah is his name?
Hi Paduan, I'm unsure of what you mean, but Yod Hey Waw Hey(YHWH) has not the same meaning as Alef Dalet Nun Yod(ADNY); respectively, Yehowah and Adonai. The haya verb incorporated within God's personal name has a slightly different meaning to the intent of Ex3:14. God seems to be telling Moses that He is capable of adjusting to changing circumstances; He Will Be What He Will Be! I Am That I Am is not merely a statement of self-existence as the translators of the LXX tried to show in the Greek expression Ho Ohn(The Being), but it is both an an erroneous and impossible rendering of the Hebrew as other instances where this phrase ocurrs amply demonstrates. The Hebrew in Ex 3:14 is not making a statement of self-existence as English and Greek translators claim. Neither is Lord a proper translation of Yehowah; one can state that these are words apart.
God's Name?
by seeking_truth inanother question for everyone.
i have read through some of the threads, posts or whatever and even though there is a sense of disagreement over witnesses and the society, their way of handling the words of the bible.
i was curious to know if anyone does believe jehovah is his name?
Hi Paduan: In Hebrew "Ani" means "I am" or "I". It does not does not appear in the phrase at Ex 3:14 that you seem to be alluding to. In the Hebrew text it says not Ani Asher Ani( I am that I am), a statement of existence, but "EhYeh Asher Ehyeh", something quite different. A rabbi should be able to accurately translate this phrase into English for you.
And RevMalk: You're free to worship whom or whatever pleases you. For me I worship the same person Christ Jesus worshipped and worships. It is fairly clear in scripture that the object of Jesus adoration and worship has a name. Jesus own name, like others that bore this same name, is a reminder that Yehowah is Chief Savior. All other gods, lords and saviors are subordinate to Yehowah. This is one reason Yehowah is called God of gods.
God's Name?
by seeking_truth inanother question for everyone.
i have read through some of the threads, posts or whatever and even though there is a sense of disagreement over witnesses and the society, their way of handling the words of the bible.
i was curious to know if anyone does believe jehovah is his name?
Hi 'Truth,
It was WTS apologist Dr Firpo Carr that proposed that God's name is a trisyllable like adonai and elohim. "Yehovah" might be close to the original semitic pronounciation. The Name appears more times in the OT than God and Lord combined. I think it's significant that extant NT manuscripts are absent the prolific OT usage of the Holy Name. And Jesus introduced men to a greater intimacy with God by advancing "Father" usage more than the prophets before him. The WTS actually abuses God Holy Name by over-use and over-familiarity. And this seems to be the point Jesus made in the Our Father prayer,'Hallowed by thy name" and Moses, 'You must not prounce the name in a wothless way..'. God is surely to be identified by his personal Name that He gave unto himself, but used in the most respectful manner and not in the worthless watchtower way.
Attacks on Kingdom Hall
by Kenneson inin today's paper: "church worries about rash of vandalism.".
while i certainly don't agree with jw doctrine, neither do i condone such activity.
Hi country girl; I guess it's fair to say that you don't know the dynamics present in the Baptist church incident. Perhaps you're a philosophic liberal, living in an ideal world. The reality is that the second law of thermodynamics is always present in human culture: ie. for every action there is an equal reaction. Violence is but one of the many options of reaction. That's reality! Idealism competes with reality and is inherent to liberal thinking. Forget about karma upon the perpetrators, honey, it seems the locals jay-duds are reaping their own karma.