JoinedTopics Started by blackguard
San Diego's Bryan Sloan: Whereabouts?
by blackguard inoops--i don't know what happened there.
does anyone know the whereabouts of bryan sloan of san diego.
i lost contact with him before his wife tragically died.
Is there a secret "zionist" agenda & hidden "cabals" operating in US/UK?
by Utopian Reformist incheck out this article from benjamin freedman:
by Jerry Bergman insome off the top of my head responses (with help from a friend) to a set of questions from another topic site are as follows.
1. what is the estimated minimum nucleotide length of dna or rna needed for a self-reproducing organism?
the lower limit for a living non virus is usually considered around 4,000 genes or about 400,000 dna base pairs (bacteria genes are about 1,000 base pairs long - see clark and russell molecular biology 2000).
Say goodbye...Armaggedon 15/ 05/ 03
by refiners fire inive been looking at an interesting site by a woman who receives transmissions from aliens called the zeta.
apparently the world as we know it will end may 15th when planet nibiru / marduk passes so close to our earth that an apocalypse will occur.
it last passed by when the noachian flood occurred.
Major WTS Prophecy goes down to defeat !!!
by Amazing inmany here may recall that the watchtower society has published much material on the prophetic role of the united nations ... specifically, the united nations is the scarlet colored wild beast, the "image" of the worldly 7 headed wild political beast ... it would be given life by the two-horned dual world power of britain and america, the "lamb-like beast spoken of in revelation ... this "image" beast would be given power to rule one prophetic hour over the nations as they subordinate their national sovereignty to it ... and so on ...
then ... after the creation of the united nations in 1945 in san francisco the wts interpreted revelation regarding the demise of the old league of nations to apply to a statement in revelation that this "image" beast would be revived in the form of the united nations ... seemingly, the wts was on to something ... and for the next 45 years (until about 1990) the watchtower published anything and everything they could to make their interpretation stick with respect to how deep in the time of the end they believed we were living in ... then, about 1990, the watchtower society joined the un as a member ngo ... a significant departure from their previous stand on political neutrality ... and ... hatred of satan's old system of things ... certainly, since we are nearly 90 years into the last days of this wicked system we would expect the un to be in control or at least taking the lead ...
so, now ... where do we stand as of march 19th, 2003?
War is a tragic reminder that only Christ is able to establish world peace!
by Derrick inthe truth is that humanity needs the god who created this vast universe -- who is known as allah to many, and jehovah to many, or worshipped under a myriad of other names but indeed is but one -- to eliminate the forces of evil in this world through his son, jesus christ.
as a matter of fact, the bible promises christ will reign as king on his throne from the heavens for the millennium it shall take to establish world peace.. if you are visiting this site out of curiosity about the beliefs of jehovah's witnesses and have this sinking feeling of dispair in your heart as this world descends into social and economic conflict and chaos, then you should be aware that a higher intelligence is about to intervene and save mankind from extinction.
that intelligence created this universe and its laws of physics to house intelligent life, and what you simply know as "love" eminated from this intelligence!
Would you want to live in a Kingdom under the Duds?
by Maverick inone of the 'problems' i had before blackguard deprogrammed me was i could not reconcile the actions of the j-dud masters with a loving god.
i felt if god was with these people i did not want to live in any new system under this power structure.
if god was as phoney, vengeful, and petty a person as his faithful and discreet slave was i was better off dead.
Our Friends - Now and Forever!
by Farkel inas many of you know, i'm a huge fan of thomas jefferson.
i'm currently reading a book called "the portable jefferson.
" it has only the briefest of jefferson's biography (a mere 41 pages), with the bulk of its nearly 600 pages devoted to copies of jefferson's speeches, and letters.
Story exemplifies REAL jaydub "love"
by blackguard inthis story is from two melbourne,australia newspapers, march 15, 2003. upon first hearing this story i was saddened.
my mind wandered off subject for a moment as i recalled how similar this story is to real life in the watchtower culture.
perhaps some of you here can relate to this:-.