If it's been addressed here before I know nought, but does anyone know anything about the subterranean chambers at Patterson?
JoinedPosts by blackguard
bunkers at WTS Patterson?
by blackguard in.
if it's been addressed here before i know nought, but does anyone know anything about the subterranean chambers at patterson?
Hi s.s, Your first post is not decipherable, but the second about the dogs I had read and wondered similarly,if it were true, was it a controlled experiment.
comet NEAT consumed by monster flare
by blackguard inthe comet c2002v1, apparently, over twice the diameter of jupiter, was zapped by a solar flare some 5 million miles from the sun.
can we learn two things from this?
one; a solar flare that size may adversely affect our weather and communications, maybe knocking out satellites, and two, mccanney's theory that comets are not ice but electrically charged plasma balls now seems quite plausible.
Hi ss, You're quite correct, plagiarism is tangential and irrelevant to this issue. Poster funkyderek inserted himself as a moral authority knowing what is real science and wacky conspiracy and spearheading his plagiarism crusade.
comet NEAT consumed by monster flare
by blackguard inthe comet c2002v1, apparently, over twice the diameter of jupiter, was zapped by a solar flare some 5 million miles from the sun.
can we learn two things from this?
one; a solar flare that size may adversely affect our weather and communications, maybe knocking out satellites, and two, mccanney's theory that comets are not ice but electrically charged plasma balls now seems quite plausible.
Hey funkyderek, Did you go to night school to learn how to become a bonehead, or does it come natural? The links I provided gave me the information to evidence that NASA agents appear to be plagiarizing McCanney's work. Why is it you can't find them? Is it you prefer not to?
You're the one that claims plagiarism is a serious offense. You're the one that failed to qualify what you meant, and now find it convenient to cry, 'I'm misunderstood'.
Again I remind you--- it's you that's on a moral crusade for plagiarism. My links should take you to evidence you're seeking, but your hand is in the salad bowl and you need someone to help you take it out. What takes priority in your crusade: loss of innocent lives or hurt feelings? Which in your opinion is a more serious offense; the Blair plagiarism affair leading to a war and the untimely deaths of thousands of innocent Iraqis or my allegation that McCanney is miffed? You're disinterested in the Blair lies based upon plagiarized material, but McCanney's, or my allegation of NASA's plagiarism of McCanney's work, while secondary, is more important to you than the early and unrighteous demise of poor Iraqis. Do you see your own incongruity here, thus leading one to suspect your true hypocritical position on plagiarism morality?
comet NEAT consumed by monster flare
by blackguard inthe comet c2002v1, apparently, over twice the diameter of jupiter, was zapped by a solar flare some 5 million miles from the sun.
can we learn two things from this?
one; a solar flare that size may adversely affect our weather and communications, maybe knocking out satellites, and two, mccanney's theory that comets are not ice but electrically charged plasma balls now seems quite plausible.
Hey funkyderek, Now you've got me confused; you mean to say you're not a jokemeister? The chain of reasoning was provided by yourself, i.e "plagiarism is a serious offense"---remember? Aren't rape and murder serious offenses?
Now seeing that plagiarism is a serious offense for you, how have you been expressing your outrage over the Tony Blair plagiarized Iraq dossier affair? Have you written the PM? The US state department over General Powell's use of the plagiarized material?
In regards the links you failed to find: You asked for evidence which is referenced on the links I provided. You have to make effort to scour the links if you genuinely need to stoke the flames of outrage over this "serious offense". Stop being lazy---I'll not post anymore links!
comet NEAT consumed by monster flare
by blackguard inthe comet c2002v1, apparently, over twice the diameter of jupiter, was zapped by a solar flare some 5 million miles from the sun.
can we learn two things from this?
one; a solar flare that size may adversely affect our weather and communications, maybe knocking out satellites, and two, mccanney's theory that comets are not ice but electrically charged plasma balls now seems quite plausible.
Hey funkyderek---you crack me up, dude. It's now "a serious offense". Hahaha. Now I know you're a jokemeister. I presume that plagiarism is as serious as murder? And your "please provide links" request--that's hilarious man! If you're an english speaker, you know I already did.
comet NEAT consumed by monster flare
by blackguard inthe comet c2002v1, apparently, over twice the diameter of jupiter, was zapped by a solar flare some 5 million miles from the sun.
can we learn two things from this?
one; a solar flare that size may adversely affect our weather and communications, maybe knocking out satellites, and two, mccanney's theory that comets are not ice but electrically charged plasma balls now seems quite plausible.
Hey funkyderek, "a serious accusation"? Are you kidding? Tony Blair can plagiarize an Iraqi academic's 1991 thesis as a basis for his claim that Iraq poses a threat to the western world, then gives it to Colin Powell who argues the plagiarized material at the UN and no-one calls them on the carpet? Now that's something serious! What have you been doing about that, my friend? In regards McCanney check out the links I provided and you'll have no need to ask. In case you don't know, the scientific community hasn't a monopoly on morals or ethics---to the contrary, most scientists are as unethical as any smooth-talking snake-oil salesman or seducing scumbag, and that's why there's an Office Of Scientific Integrity.
Panic Attacks
by rebel ini don't know if this subject has been touched on before - i didn't know what section to put it under.. i have to go to the meeting this sunday - basically emotional blackmail by my husband (long story).
i have suffered from panic attacks in the past.
when i don't go to the meetings, and my family do, i get very panicky and breathless.
Hi rebel, Some of the posters gave you good advise. Your problem is fixable! Brain chemistry might be the cause: often serotonin levels are low and drinking whole milk may resolve it for you. If this doesn't work you have three other choices to whip this monster. (i) drugs; but they can create other problems (ii) professional help usually employs the techniques of cognitive therapy but it'll cost you for sessions. (iii) you can purchase self-help books on anxiety/panic attack as blueblades, I think, was referring to. This latter choice keeps you off drugs. Cognitive therapy or emotive therapy essentially engages you in talking to your brain or mind; I know it sounds crazy, but it works. For instance, if someone tells you they love you and they mean it, don't you usually have a pleasant sensation? It's a brain effect. Cognitve therapy is talking audibly to yourself when you feel an attack commencing. The brain reponds similarly; your attacks lessen in severity and frequency. You have some core problems that you may want to address later, after you get your attacks under control.
comet NEAT consumed by monster flare
by blackguard inthe comet c2002v1, apparently, over twice the diameter of jupiter, was zapped by a solar flare some 5 million miles from the sun.
can we learn two things from this?
one; a solar flare that size may adversely affect our weather and communications, maybe knocking out satellites, and two, mccanney's theory that comets are not ice but electrically charged plasma balls now seems quite plausible.
funkyderek, check out www.arksky.org and see if it and its links are adequate enough science for you: NASA has obviously been plagiarizing McCanney's work and I can only suppose this is why he is so upset. Why would NASA plagiarize MCanney's work and quote it if they're content with their dirty snowball comet theory? Also, are you a wacky conspiracist--- the subject hasn't been broached here?
ss. Observatories, to my knowldege have been cataloguing comets for decades using the time tested visual method. I don't know for sure if there is a consensus about increased cometary activity, but it sure seems that way.
valis, you gotta believe what you need to believe. If the earth is flat and comets are dirty snowballs, that's okay by me.
r.fire, Yeah, I saw the NASA image on Rense, but acknowledging that site might expose us to ridicule by some flat-earthers. Try also the gulu site I posted earlier. It was shut down during the alleged faking of NASA's images.
comet NEAT consumed by monster flare
by blackguard inthe comet c2002v1, apparently, over twice the diameter of jupiter, was zapped by a solar flare some 5 million miles from the sun.
can we learn two things from this?
one; a solar flare that size may adversely affect our weather and communications, maybe knocking out satellites, and two, mccanney's theory that comets are not ice but electrically charged plasma balls now seems quite plausible.
Hi ss, I see some of the astronomy mavens are saying this NEAT comet is the biggest ever; it was seen during daylight and evening hours, but missed by a couple of posters here. It is not the so-called Nibiru of Sitchin fame. Dr McCanney is the physicist who is claiming that comets are not dirty snowballs, but electrically charged plasma balls with a rock nucleus that are latent planets. Presumably, the electrical differences evinced a reaction from the sun which has either devoured the monster comet or split it. SOHO images are being witheld and tampered with. Was it Tom Ridge who recently warned not only about possible terrorist preparations, but also added "other emergencies" and "debris falling from the sky"? McCanney is saying that increased cometary action is precursor to the large stellar body's entry into our solar system and that he is going to New Zealand to attempt to sight it somewhere close to the celestial axis.