My 20 year old niece and my mom are the only JW relatives I have. Her mom got kicked out for smoking and my brother ended the marriage because she was a bitch anyway.
But it's really unfortunate that my niece had to be dragged into the JWs. I really wish my brother would have put the brakes on it more. Now I'm butting heads with her. This facebook post royally pissed me off. If I would have been able to date more during my younger years, I probably would have been smarter than to marry the woman who is now my stupid ex-wife.
Anyway, here's the post...
I've often been presented with either the question or the comment of me not being in a boyfriend girlfriend relationship. I'm sure it's nice and all but really for me I for 1 am to young. 2 I'm not ready. And 3, just because other people have relationships does not me I have to be in one haha I have very happy on my own thank you many studies have proven that it's actually much easier on your own. I could go on and on but dating is really looking for a marriage mate and that is a HUGE decision in your life, but there is no law to have to be married or be in that kind of relationship. How could I find that special someone to spend the rest of my life with when I haven't even fully figured out who I am yet?? Who knows maybe one day he will come along and sweep me off my feet. But I already have so many friends and family who love me and I love them we might feel alone sometimes but we really never are. There is so much more in life than just worrying about a relationship. Explore new things, go on adventures, the possibilities are endless for those who are married, I admire your devotion to have such a bond with each other and have that soul mate to be a part of your life as one. Keep smiling