We have the Price is always Right game show where the elder gets to bid on just how important his life is compaired to the number of dissfellowshipped ones he disfellowshipped. And the lucky elder then gets to bid on how good he can spin the wheel when instead of it having a dollar and cents on it; it would have the many different ways he is able to disfellowship someone and he gets disfellowshipped/ a set up.
Or what we could have is maybe a family fewd. Maybe have a couple families come in and try to guess the answers to:
In the past year how many disfellowshiped people has the typical congregation dissed?
What are the top ten worst reasons for getting dissed?
How many family members end up leaving on account of an elders missguidence?
What do most elders think when they are at their seat?
How many elders does it take to run a kingdom hall?
in any case do you have any IDEAS???????????????/