Very good questions. This quote is from someone who is familiar with the Helpers on the Governing Body.
The current GB know they are faking it. They are faking their claim to be of the anointed. The previous members were not all fakers. Many honestly believed they were anointed and called by Christ as members of his body.
Such an honest belief brings with it an inner recognition of responsibility. But when it is faked no such responsibility exists. The current GB are simply enjoying the ride for the ride itself. Fakers to the core.
This is why they have spent the hard earned money of so many on a lakeside residence for themselves. They love themselves and believe that God will accept them because they have been selected to lead the Organization. They know lies were told in the past and it appears God did not object. So to them it seems reasonable that God will not object to whatever lies they may tell.
They bought into the idea that the Organization is everything and have given over their minds to it. They are thoroughly indoctrinated and unable to think beyond their own images and positions of power.
They are no longer able to reason. They are no longer able to think for themselves.
And why should "little kings" have to think? Do they not have advisers to think for them? Herd himself admitted that he spends much time, reading and reading what Writing has produced. The dumb cluck did not realize that what he was actually saying is that the GB is sterile and relies on Teaching and Writing to bring stuff in.
These guys would have fit better into the days when Knorr and Fred Franz were running things and the Board of Directors sat around waiting for them to make stuff happen. Today the GB is like those Board of Directors and the Helpers are the ones sitting in Knorr's and Franz' seats...writing, teaching, running things, making changes. The problem is most of them are incompetent.
The Watchtower leadership has received from God what they deserve: Confusion.