I went of medical leave of absence in NOVEMBER 2006, meeting attendance was slipping as of SEPTEMBER 2006, I've attended about 4-5 meetings between Nov 2006 and now. I've recieved 0 calls since then. It's all talk to me, and practically told me my worth to the congregation. Not that I need someone to call or throw a sympathy party,but it showed me who my REAL friends are and are not.
JoinedPosts by av8orntexas
Elders are responsible to take care of lost sheep or they are not?
by asilentone inshow me some quotes from the wt publications that the elders are responsible to take care of lost sheep and they are not responsible for the lost sheep, etc....(flip-flop quotes)
The Pioneer Spirit
by WTWizard inyou have heard it if you have ever been in a kingdumb hell.
they talk about the pioneer spirit.
it is supposed to be joyful.
When I pioneered, we did it by the book...if olders one s were with us. But when it was basically a bunch of teenegers, I think most would cut corners. For me, I was 90-100+ thge first two years, then after a whie ,at least for me, it starts to wear you down. I worked part time, and was going to school. I would GLADLY take long breaks, and if you wanted to sit 35-45minutes, I'd go right along. I think most who hit it hard out of the gate, eventually wear down and you see all the RV, long breaks,etc.
I know a brother now, who is a reg piuoneer by title, but counts time by going to Quick Builds like every single weekend. He's the head of a dept,so he does little and counts a good chuck of that time. People like that rub me the wrong way.
Did you skip the meeting to watch the superbowl ?
by av8orntexas ini know we must have alot ofpeople on here huge football fans like myself.
born and raised in boston, i am a huge sports fan, and of course patriots fan.
so anyone here go to another meeting, makeup some bs excuse, illness, flat out miss the meeting or anything else to watch game if your meeting happened to go from the 9am to the 3pm in january ?.
momzcrazy Re: Did you skip the meeting to watch the superbowl ? Hell NO!!! I hate football. *ducks and runs*
What is this world REALLY coming to, there are people out there who hate football ?????? LOL
HSS1971 Re: Did you skip the meeting to watch the superbowl ? Just for the super bowl ? Hell I skipped meetings for all kinds of things. Then the next meeting I appeared at, an elder would say something like "I missed you on Sunday". Waiting for me to cough up a reason why I was'nt there. When they said that, I'd just say "enjoy the rest of your day" and walk to my car. I loved the look on the elders face when I looked back and he did'nt get a reason why I did'nt make the meeting. I never felt obligated to tell the elders anything at all. They are not entitled to any info about you beyond what you volunteer. Another of my blunders early on, my mom followed the line of having to EXPLAIN YOURSELF. And early on, I'd follow suit and tell all. -
"Outing" yourself
by sooner7nc inthis question may be stupid, and if so, let the flaming begin.
has anyone ever used this website as the vehicle to "out" themselves from the wt?
would the mods allow this to happen, or would they quash the attempt as soon as it started.
I've thought of taking my picture down,but no one from my hall has called to check on me in like 2 years. They've seen me about 3-4 times in that time period, none asked how I was or where I had been. Out of site out of mind, I've always felt.
Either they like you or they don't, and at this point I feel many could care less about me...if you aren't a 'superfine' christian then OBVIOUSLY you are spiritually weak.
I had a brother say, "something must be wrong with you." I wanted to smack him in the mouth with the bible and tell him I'm just fine,maybe it's the Jw's. It's taken me 12 years,but I've finally realized I AM fine, and no..... my 'thinking' doesn't need to be adjusted.
Have you noticed an increase in JW's with one foot in the world????
by karter ini have a few examples: a witness did a job for me an asked for cash under the table.
alot of witnesses talk more about material things than anything else.
alot of complaining about the organization mostly by people that once held positions.
AlyMC hit the nail on the head. I came 'out' of the 'world' and was Basically Ned Flanders the first few years....reg pioneer, lead by example, all that stuff. But you're right. You can usually pick those people out. Usually into music and movies many would consider 'unwholesome' but always asking me what i thought of it. looking back, i realize they were prob trying to feel me out.
I usually did like alot of that stuff,but would lie, so as not to stumble others. And looking back, i think many lead a double life because they're not being themselves. I wasn't. I was so busy trying to be prim and proper,that i think many thought thats who i REALLY was. You definetly have to put a show as a witness.
I would say many do have a foot in the world in the sense of from observation........they live as if the end is a bit of a ways down the road.....around the bend........
Did you skip the meeting to watch the superbowl ?
by av8orntexas ini know we must have alot ofpeople on here huge football fans like myself.
born and raised in boston, i am a huge sports fan, and of course patriots fan.
so anyone here go to another meeting, makeup some bs excuse, illness, flat out miss the meeting or anything else to watch game if your meeting happened to go from the 9am to the 3pm in january ?.
Blondie, while the superbowl is usually in the evening an 5pm-530 start, I've in my time in the truth somehow managed to get sunday meetings at 6pm, 730pm and 4pm, at one point our hall had an evening meeting two years in a row because we had a new spanish congregation and the brothers felt it be fair to allow them to have the morning slot. Here in Texas, and large places like Cali, I've seen all kinds of time and meeting days Satuday schools/public talks....at 730 !!! an old girlfriend in Cali actually had an Saturday Watchtower....talk about cramping my weekend visit...I don't know how that kept uch high numbers....
Robert7....ditto, I noticed that myself.
{The Simpsons} = Did you know any "Ned Flanders" types in your Hall?
by Witness 007 inus brothers would be having a conversation about sports and this brother "flanders" would always start a spiritual conversation: "on a sunny day like this i just want to thank jehovah for my blessings....i wish we had meetings everyday....i feel bad i didn't go witnessing this weekend.
" .
many times i wanted to strangle him!...his wife left him and the truth, since then he is worse..
HAHAHAHAH I wqas just thinking of this subject the other day. I thought every hall had one. The flanders type to me, was the one ALWAYS ready to continue on in service, after 4 long hours in door to door. Yeah, we had two of those types. I called them Jesus Jr.
From innocent to...
by mind my own inhow many of you initally checked out this site for completely innocent reasons?
just stumbed across it and couldnt' stop reading, or to see what was being read with the intent of setting us or someone else in your life straight?
then b/c of what you read you could no longer buy into the whole jw fraud and left the org or are in the process of leaving?
I was looking for a legit dating site,quickly realized what it was and left. But........i always remembered what I read, and when the rose colored glasses started to crack, and I've hit this fade of mine; I came back because it seems like everyone else...if I haven't gone thru it, I can relate to many of the posts on here. Explaining JW's to people who have never been or know nothing about it can be difficult. I know people say they understand .......but really.....they can never really know I feel. How your whole life and actions hinge on what the GB says you should. Like what to watch, who to talk to, who to date, when to date, what to wear, even what kind of job ( law enforcement comes to mind, as I know a "brother" who is a cop. ) you can have. Those are simple choices and decisions for other people.
I have started to post and read here more than I ever did as of late. As you can see I'm still a newbie and joined damn near 6 years ago.
Did you skip the meeting to watch the superbowl ?
by av8orntexas ini know we must have alot ofpeople on here huge football fans like myself.
born and raised in boston, i am a huge sports fan, and of course patriots fan.
so anyone here go to another meeting, makeup some bs excuse, illness, flat out miss the meeting or anything else to watch game if your meeting happened to go from the 9am to the 3pm in january ?.
I know we must have alot ofpeople on here huge football fans like myself. Born and raised in Boston, I am a HUGE sports fan, and of course Patriots fan. So anyone here go to another meeting, makeup some BS excuse, illness, flat out miss the meeting or anything else to watch game if your meeting happened to go from the 9am to the 3pm in January ?
The only superbowl I ever mised was in 1998 with Falcons and Broncos. Other than that, it was something with me. Sick, gotta work overtime, go to another meeting, EVEN if i had to carry the mikes, book/magazines. If there was one thing about the Org, it was constantly in the way of my beloved Football.
Ahhh how strong was your faith ?????
Did you help clean the Kingdom Hall, yard work, maintenance?
by Thechickennest inat one hall i attended for serveral years had a lawn covering large man-made burms with trees and bushes.
it was a difficult yard to mow and maintain.
i have often wondered why we all pitched in and worked so hard for nothing.
I did it quite a bit when I was a pioneer,you know...set the example.......reach out........BUT...I had to draw a line during football season. 11am cst is kickoff and All you saw was *sss and elbows as I wlaked to my car, so I was sure to be there early. That way I've given 3hours by 11am. Rest of the year you could do what you want with me