I don't.
I'm 33, full head of hair that needs constant cutting ( if I let it grow that long or don't shave it )and no grays.
last time i went to cvs pharmacy, they had a big a sale sign for this haircolor for men.. do men really care if the are getting grey hair?
for women, the pressure is to do every thing you can to hide it, if your hair starts.
to turn grey.
I don't.
I'm 33, full head of hair that needs constant cutting ( if I let it grow that long or don't shave it )and no grays.
is there anyone besides me who would like to get a group together for dinner, maybe at a local tgi fridays?.
there's some faces i would really like to meet again.. i don't think that here in the dallas/north texas area, we've had a gathering in a while.. so if you have any suggestions for a particular day?
we could see when it would be convenient for most people.
I'm down in the Houston area and would drive up to DFW. I'm able to travel anywhere, anytime.
i am so disgusted right now, more with myself than anything.. we have this big albertsons grocery store monopoly game going where i live.....the more of certain products you buy, the more tickets you receive.
not only are there instant winners, but then you enter codes on line.. ha....after 2 months, i've won $5.00 and a bottle of clorox beach.
i have spent more than i ever would have normally.
But you can bet if I EVER won the mega millions, I'd roll up at the hall in the brightest, loudest, and most gawdy italian sports car I can find. There are probably two to three people I'd like to flash my newly found 'booty' in their face. Other than that, I'd fall out of sight quietly.
My laptop is about to die,but I'll be back to chat with ya'll gin bit later.
Hahahaha....I'm going to leave snowbird alone. Because if she lives anywhere near the part of bama my family is from, she may know me,lol !!!
In Alabama...everyone knows everyone and everything about you, you don't know. It's like working at the NSA or something. Anything thats travels fast there is gossip,lol And I say this lovingly.....hope I don't offend anyone.
My mom and her family are from Alabama. The family I know is quite a mix. They are all sweet, generous people. They are alot louder than other family from other places,but they are open and up front with you.
Two of my cousins are former Tide ball players. One for Coach Stallings, and the other a recent grad, has actually made it into the league and we are quite proud of him. That said, I always liked the Auburn Tigers. Texas Tech picked up a fine coach in Tuberville....who I liked just as much as Pat Dye. There is ALOT of talent to choose from here. He may not have to leave the state,lol.
BuT in my opinion, the people are nice....I feel it could be a more diverse there....I'm used to diversity being from Boston. My biggest hang up is that it's too slow. I like having a peace of mind,but the pace of life there is too slow for me...at least at this point in my life.
i'll start -.
boston red sox.
irish rock bands.
Yes, I do like the fiestiness of northern women.
You're right, who doesn't like JoePa. Bobby Bowden is the southern version of him I found out.
I miss placing a chair ( or trash can, etc ) in my parking spot I spent all morning shoveling. Ok,not really,but it's something I've never seen anywhere else.
i'll start -.
boston red sox.
irish rock bands.
Almost forgot football in whiteout conditions.
i'll start -.
boston red sox.
irish rock bands.
minimus | Re: we know what southerners like, what about northerners? posted ~ an hour ago (3/25/2010) |
Post 31307 of 31310 Since 7/3/2002 | As a Northerner, I like Southern women. And light baked beans, the Boston Celtics, The Pats, rotaries, and Greek style pizza. |
Minimus.........you're a good man,hahahahaha.
i'll start -.
boston red sox.
irish rock bands.
I'm a born and raised Bostonian....living in Texas.
I like........
The Boston Red Sox, Celtics, NE Patriots and my BC Eagles.
A good Bagel with cream cheese. It's all biscuits and gravy down here.
REAL chinese takeout with lobster sauce. Down south is all buffet. Whats up with that ??
The Fall season. In Texas we have Spring and Summer.......( not too hot, and BLAZING )
Oh.....good drivers. I'm convinced the worst drivers reside in Houston.