Charlie Brown it's a very serious job,buT this thought that guys are just sitting around all day eating chips and chilling is way off. Not saying you said that,but with all these stories coming out, I'm sure alot of the public probably has that perception.
These guys sleeping at night are usually working a 0600-1430, 8 hours off, and then have to be right back for a 2200-0600. You can't function like that. It's no different from cops,doctors, plant operators ( and I know ALOT of pl;any operators here in Texas ) 4 on, 4 off. 12 hour days. Shift work wears your body down. Not making excuse,but it is what it is.
Hey thats how the FAA has it set up. The FAA makes these rules up. But of course airlines,pilots,controllers,etc will shoulder the balme until the FAA decides to improve things.
Not making excuses,but that the way it is. As far as unions go ? I know people like to bang on that,but if there were no unions in this industry, airlines would pay us $7.00 and hour and double our work.
I like my job. But what if I WERE to quit and get another one? Where am I going to get one in this economy ? It's making a comeback,but slowly.
It's not like I have a fancy lifestyle. I live below my means.