I have noticed are more angrier then When I was a child in the 90's and that they seem more uptight.What changes have you seen?
What changes have you noticed in the Witness
by d 43 Replies latest social humour
I'm inactive, last meeting was 2005.
I've noticed a coldness that was absent in the 70's, 80's, and early 90's.
they seem far more worldlier,materialistic and yes angrier but they always have been.
I think they are seeing that the uptight puritan like attitude is only going to lead to more people leaving.I was never aware of how cold their are to disfellowshipped until I left in 2008. I see more young people in the future leaving due to their uptightness.
I think they are seeing that the uptight puritan like attitude is only going to lead to more people leaving.I was never aware of how cold their are to disfellowshipped until I left in 2008. I see more young people in the future leaving due to their uptightness.
Sorry it posted twice. I accidnetly hit submit twice.
Frightened of technology, frightened of apostates, frightened that the end is not "soon", frightened they are not doing enough, frightened that a CO or elder will remove whatever meager "privileges" they have....
Back in the Day ..
A JW was proud to tell you who they were and what they believed..
Now you have a hard time getting them to admit,who they are when they come to the door..
They have no problem lying about what they believe..
Some have no idea about the Generation Change,they don`t know what they believe..
If you ask a hard question they say they are busy and have to go..
Todays JWs are Confused and Secretive..
Mr. Falcon
agreed, Outlaw.
nowadays, they seem to be more fanatical about field service and increasing their statistics all the while being strangely quiet about former weird/bizarre doctrine like water canopies, generation-related stuff, and all that Anglo American dragon with lamb horns stuff. Honestly, when was the last time any JW referenced that crazy Revelation book (since they last completed it at the old book study)? you never see any of that over the top stuff anymore, now it's all made up experiences of seeing eye dogs leading people to KHs.
I see more who disregard the admonition of the F&DS and go ahead and do their own thing.
Vacations (that are NOT to seldom-worked territory).
Recreation (that means skipping meetings/FS).
Meeting attendance ....down.
FS hours....down.
All of this despite the constant drum drum drumming it into the R&F at meetings/assemblies/conventions/WT articles.