No Room For George.......
I couldn't help myself.
the first summer a$$embly finishes this weekend.. tell tell!.
who are the toes.
the verrucas and fungus?.
No Room For George.......
I couldn't help myself.
the first summer a$$embly finishes this weekend.. tell tell!.
who are the toes.
the verrucas and fungus?.
I bet Rex Ryan would LOVE this convention.
egg and i went to our very first baseball game...first game ever, really.. never knew a stadium could be fun!.
az diamondbacks v. mn twins.
we (az) won:d.
When I lived in Boston we never used any of the local stadiums. Sullivan/Foxboro ( now the new Gillette ),Fenway, The Garden, Fleet Center ( now TD North ). It was either driver out to the assembly hall in Natick or The Providence Civic Center.
When I got to Texas, the JW's were using the Astrodome.When that closed and they opened the new baseball stadium in 2000,that was off limits.Being grass that didn't surprise me. They rarely use it for anything else.
Then came the new Football stadium around 2002 and the owner pretty much told them to go jack off. I'm guessing,even if they cleaned it for free.
The old basketball stadium sat EMPTY for a while. Not sure if the dubs took a shot at it,but it is now the home of Joel Olsteens Mega church. The new basketball stadium has always been off limits to the dubs here too,to my knowledge.
But every Feb/March they dump a ton of dirt in the football stadium and have a month long rodeo. BUT, it brings in $$$$, so they could pile all the dirt in there they want.
The brothers would always brag that we got use of the astrodome because we'd clean it for free. I do indeed remember spending one saturday before the conventions scrubbing that place from top to bottom.
They now use two local sports arenas essentially built for local high schools. One for english,one for spanish.
Nothing beats watching a game in Boston. People down here come to games to talk business, or socialize. They sit on their hands and it's Zzzzzzz until something happens.
the first summer a$$embly finishes this weekend.. tell tell!.
who are the toes.
the verrucas and fungus?.
Well I'll be having a few hot dogs,beers and watching my Red Sox pummel the Houston Lastros down here around my convention time, which is always in July last I knew.
I must say, I never got why people got all excited about new publications. That,along with the whole: "Best convention ever" stuff.
Toes huh ?
i met a gorgeous lady yesterday and she shows too much cleavage.
i see her facebook page, all of her pictures has cleavage in them, i would not want to date her because she shows too much all the time.
i am tempted to tell her to cover up her cleavage, she might not like me telling her that.
"You're about to fall out of your shirt."
When I first started posting here LOOOOONg time ago ( not that I have posted a bunch ) this site was semi-pro JW, at least I thought it was. I hung around here a bit,but then left. I tried pretty hard to reach for MS from about 2003-2005,after almost making it in 97. Around 2003/04 the rose tint on my glasses had started to peel a bit and I think I came back here around then and peeked around maybe late 2005,early 2006.
After my regular pioneer girlfriend dumped me ( due to being so business banging a local brother in her area,only to shortly be DF'd ) aroud 07/08 my eyes started to really open. After reading posts here,I realized I wasn't the only person who may have felt a certain way about certain things,or had certain experiences. If anything I feel you can vent and share how you feel here. My ex gf really got the ball rolling,with help from my so-called best friend.
this is baffling me...someone suggested a day or so ago that outlaw is female?
and what about bandontherun ?
is that a lady too?.
Shoot. I may as well jump in :
it drives me nuts!.
who gives a sh^t about your newest item that you just bought or how happy that you are that the sun is out?.
I watched PART of the show once and it was unbearable to me as well. 15 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
Unshackled..... couldn't haver said it better myself. Especially the emotional laundry part.
it drives me nuts!.
who gives a sh^t about your newest item that you just bought or how happy that you are that the sun is out?.
By the's 8:49pm cst and I'm watching The Longest Yard if anybody on here cares.
it drives me nuts!.
who gives a sh^t about your newest item that you just bought or how happy that you are that the sun is out?.
There is a portion of American society that needs and wants attention in the worst way.
I give you: Jersey Shore. Hey,no offense to the fans of the show,but who are these people ? Why are they famous and what have they contributed to the world or american society ?
I never post my status because who gives sh^% what I'm doing,ate,saw,or whatever.
I think your real friends will know how you're doing and whats going on in your life,without you having to make it a frontpage announcement on a social website. Otherwise personally,I don't feel like I need to 'brag' about whatever is going on in my life.
In my opinion to do it throughout the day,or incessantly,is time consuming. Who has time to be on FB that much ?
I am amazed at one of my friends, who posted FROM work,that they're bored. Nice way to give your employer a reason to jettison you. Especially in the current economic climate.