People. Truth. Peace. Freedom. Happiness.
JoinedPosts by glitter
What Do You Stand For?
by Corvin inhonestly now, either you stand for something, or get knocked down for nothing.
brother, it seems absurd to be hammering pith like a poet with a loss for words.
trying to describe and angels face .
Which Doctrine Convinced You That This Wasn't Right
by ignorance is strength inwhat wt doctrine convinced or made you doubt your faith in the wtbts?
for me it was the 144,000 and the nature of christ's resurrection.
i seriously could not believe that there were two classes of christians when it was not stated implicitly in the bible, but was expected to be believed in as absolute truth.
Could it be because it was written in the Middle East?
Further to english Patients's reply, I'd like to say that no - it's because it was written thousands of years ago - women in most of the other parts of the world would have been oppressed. Actually until last century Muslim women were better off than Western woman (allowed to own property etc).
The doctrines mostly seemed perfectly reasonable at the time - or no-one would've stayed!
The thing that got me to question was partly the UN thing, I couldn't understand how the UN was evil when I always saw the UN peacekeepers on the news helping people in terrible situations.
Also when a friend's mother got disfellowshipped for remarrying because her ex-husband denied he'd cheated on her when they were married.
And when there was a magazine a few years ago explaining that blood salvage machines were OK... I couldn't understand why I couldn't store my own blood for use in an operation.
The actual *scandal* that really woke me up (even though I was already 50% out) was the child abuse policy. After I saw Panorama I couldn't stand to even *look* at a WT book or magazine, I was so angry and disgusted. Then I found the JWD from a link on the AJWRB site and I found *that* from the Skeptic's Annotated Bible (JW section is v interesting). Then when I got here I found out so much stuff in such a short time (just read and read for ages) that I was *so* happy that I was right and out of it for good - but I'm still *furious* at the JWs. -
Top Ten: Stuff Bad Witnesses Do at Assemblies
by metatron in1. get thrown out after tossing strings of beads to sisters getting baptized and yelling "show us your boobs".. .
2. do business witnessing at every adult bookstore while wearing a prominent name badge ( "t. jaracz"), after buying.
bondage magazines and inviting the bored girl behind the cash register to the sunday talk.. .
12. Wolf-whistle at people being baptised.
Congregation Book Studies in a brothers home-What weirdness did you endure?
by Thechickennest inwhen i was new witness in the late 70's i was assigned to young couples new home.
we were required to park our shoes inside the back door and proceed in our socks to the front room...fine.
the other piece to this was the couple hosting study had a big male blood hound dog of some kind.
Why do people think it's weird to have to remove your shoes? It's only polite - unless you're going to stay afterwards to clean the carpet and rugs and eventually chip in to buy new ones! Their carpet is cleaner (hopefully!) than the soles of your shoes when you've just been outside walking through puddles and mud and goodness knows what else.
I always take my shoes off in people's hallways when I visit, it's not a JW thing.
Weirdest thing I remember was a study we attended a few times when we were starting to get even more irregular as a family (early 1998). The sister had a collection of chiming and cuckoo clocks and they weren't all set to exactly the right time and she didn't (remember to?) turn them all off, so from about 7:59pm to 8:01pm (and at *roughly* quarter-past, half-past and quarter-to to a lesser degree) there'd be a cacophony (sp?) of chiming, tunes and cuckoos! -
Movies and TV Shows You Didn't Watch Because You Were A JW
by minimus inthis week i mentioned how i never saw the movie "ghost" because it was considered "demonistic".
i also volunteered that that i could not watch "bewitched", although "i dream of jeannie" was a conscience matter......any thing you didn't watch because you were a witness?
I'm lost ... what was the reasoning behind "No X-Files"?
Aliens (because Jehovah only created *us*!), ghosts, monsters, voodoo, vampires, werewolves, mind-control, psychics, magic, violence... -
by Mary inwell i went last night...........did anyone else notice how the talk focused almost exclusively on the 144,000???
jesus was barely mentioned.
the first couple of minutes talked about when the israelites left egypt and the passover was instituted.
is the bread even made?
I popped into the kitchen at the hall before the Memorial about 10 years ago and there was a open packet of Jacob's Cream Crackers on the counter (along with a bottle of wine - I don't know where I thought they came from before I realised they were shop-bought!) - and it did *look* like broken-up crackers on the plate. -
The last time an elder came to visit my mum (the only one who does - he comes to bring magazines) he said something to me like "Have you heard about that film The Passion? What do you think about it? They're making a right fuss about Jesus."
Movies and TV Shows You Didn't Watch Because You Were A JW
by minimus inthis week i mentioned how i never saw the movie "ghost" because it was considered "demonistic".
i also volunteered that that i could not watch "bewitched", although "i dream of jeannie" was a conscience matter......any thing you didn't watch because you were a witness?
Saturday morning TV (obviously wasn't home), Sunday morning TV (if the meeting was on Sunday mornings)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Dungeons and Dragons
Eastenders (comes on during meeting hours - coincidence?;)
The X-Files (never missed an episode, I was sneaky)
Anything that poked fun at JWs (though "at least they're making Jehovah's name known", it was just too embarrassing)
Anything with magic, ghosts or cavemen in it (except the Flintstones for some reason).
The Snowman - well I was allowed, but I couldn't watch the bit with Father Christmas or the Christmas party. I had a Snowman jigsaw and a JW boy (we were about 4 years old) who was playing at my house said he wasn't allowed to do the jigsaw because it was "from Satan" (not santa... :)). -
by Mary inwell i went last night...........did anyone else notice how the talk focused almost exclusively on the 144,000???
jesus was barely mentioned.
the first couple of minutes talked about when the israelites left egypt and the passover was instituted.
I have this thing about smelling wines, I LOVE the smell of it...I took a wiff and caught so many stares!
That was the highlight of the Memorial for me - I always liked to try and smell the wine as I passed it on! -
TV channel defends plan to show an abortion in full
by ignored_one in
channel 4 defends plan to screen an abortion .
by hugh davies .
I'm sure that an abortion has been on British TV before. I remember seeing it (in the mid 90's - I know I was 12-14) it was a grainy black and white ultrasound image of an roundish-shape going into a tube with a sloped end bit by bit - might've been on a political broadcast by an anti-abortion group, IIRC it was on ITV after the 10 o'clock news.
Obviously a very early-term one, as is this... but I don't get why this woman isn't being given a drug to induce a miscarriage or something - surely better, easier and cheaper than a surgical procedure.
I think possibly the programme wants to explain what's involved in a surgical abortion without showing the removal of a baby any further developed - that would be too upsetting for most people regardless of their standpoint on the issue.