Yeah, I saw a little snippet of it this morning, a little teaser. It showed Bill Bowen at a computer scrolling slowly through the SL Home Page showing the 23,000+ in the database. It also showed the sign of the K.H. I can hardly wait!
Posts by Lin
Yet another news interview! Re: Silentlambs
by Valis inmy ear is ringing really loud right now...i just got off the phone w/our very own jesika and she was very excited.
as she proceded to pierce my ear drum she relayed to me that channel 8 news is coming to her house today for an interview...guess what they will be discussing?!!!
it aint the weather that's for sure!.
Question about reproof
by Sirona injehovahs witnesses over on another board are telling me that elders can reprove someone (who sinned and is repentant) privately and that that person does not lose their priveledges.
has anyone here been reproved and kept all their congregation duties?
if so, what does "reproof" actually mean?.
Hi Sirona,
Private when the elders meet with the accused in a private judicial committee, usually with three elders, discuss the allegations and if they deem the accused to be "truly repentant" then they pat them on the back, read some scriptures, yadda yadda yadda and there is no announcement made over the platform. Public Reproofth is when they do the same thing but an announcement is made over the platform saying so-and-so has been Publically Reprovedth.
Yet another news interview! Re: Silentlambs
by Valis inmy ear is ringing really loud right now...i just got off the phone w/our very own jesika and she was very excited.
as she proceded to pierce my ear drum she relayed to me that channel 8 news is coming to her house today for an interview...guess what they will be discussing?!!!
it aint the weather that's for sure!.
Oops I forgot...Jesika emailed me saying that her dad wants to talk to her! Uh-oh, sounds like an attempt at Damage Control for this so called family. I hope she doesn't call him until Wednesday, after the news program. I've told her that I sense a rat and I strongly suggested she not call him right now, cause it's such an interesting coincidence that after all this time he chooses NOW to want to talk to her. Ugh.........
Yet another news interview! Re: Silentlambs
by Valis inmy ear is ringing really loud right now...i just got off the phone w/our very own jesika and she was very excited.
as she proceded to pierce my ear drum she relayed to me that channel 8 news is coming to her house today for an interview...guess what they will be discussing?!!!
it aint the weather that's for sure!.
Valis, yeah I agree. I really wish people like Donahue, Montell, Oprah, etc would take a real keen interest in this and just flood the tv with this crap. It blows my mind that after all the email and letter campaigns that still not enough media coverage is being given. I hope that changes, and soon.
Yet another news interview! Re: Silentlambs
by Valis inmy ear is ringing really loud right now...i just got off the phone w/our very own jesika and she was very excited.
as she proceded to pierce my ear drum she relayed to me that channel 8 news is coming to her house today for an interview...guess what they will be discussing?!!!
it aint the weather that's for sure!.
I got a call a little while ago from Valerie Williams needing to verify some of the things Jesika said in the interview which included me but not by name. Valerie is really shocked at the level of abuse not only in this family but amazed at what she's found in the interview with Bill Bowen. Jesika emailed me a little while ago saying the news piece will be about 6 minutes long and that they're thinking/planning on a larger segment on it, but I don't know how soon.
Yet another news interview! Re: Silentlambs
by Valis inmy ear is ringing really loud right now...i just got off the phone w/our very own jesika and she was very excited.
as she proceded to pierce my ear drum she relayed to me that channel 8 news is coming to her house today for an interview...guess what they will be discussing?!!!
it aint the weather that's for sure!.
Just thought I'd let you know there was a brief mention on Channel 8 yesterday about the upcoming interview at 10:00 Tuesday night. It started with "Don't go to the police, or else..., Yet another religion scandal of child abuse" and then they said to be sure to tune in Tuesday night at 10:00. They didn't show even a short clip or photo or anything, just that little tid bit. So, it looks like the program will definitely air tomorrow night. Bill Bowen was also interviewed for the piece.
Because we're...goin to the chapel...and we're gon
by Lin ini'm gettin married on january 25th!!!!!!!
LOL!!! You all crack me up!!! LOL Mary!! Mackin', we've already been practicin!!! At the rate we're goin, the wedding night should be in....cred....i....ble....hehehehe
"I'm soo excited...and I just can't hiiiiiide it....." hehehehe
Because we're...goin to the chapel...and we're gon
by Lin ini'm gettin married on january 25th!!!!!!!
I'm gettin married on January 25th!!!!!!!! It was initially planned for May, but we've moved it up!!!! Yahooooooo!!!! Anybody got a cute picture of some fool dancin wildly? That would be meeeeeee!!!!! I'm gettin married!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!
A Letter From Santa
by Lin indear friends:.
i have been watching you very closely to see if you have been good this.
year and since you have i will be telling my elves to make some goodies for me.
Dear Friends:
I have been watching you very closely to see if you have been good this
year and since you have I will be telling my elves to make some goodies for me
to leave under your tree at Christmas.I was going to bring you all gifts from the 12 days of Christmas, but we had a little problem.
The 12 fiddlers fiddling have all come down with VD from fiddling with the 10 ladies
dancing, the 11 lords leaping have knocked up the 8 maids-a-milking, and the 9
pipers piping have been arrested for doing weird things to the 7 swans-a-swimming.
The 6 geese a-laying, 4 calling birds, 3 French hens, 2 turtle doves and the
partridge in a pear tree have me up to my sled runners in bird shit.
On top of all this Mrs. Claus is going through menopause, 8 of my reindeer
are in heat, the elves have joined the gay liberation and some people who
can't read a calendar have scheduled Christmas for the 5th of January.
Maybe next year I will be able to get my shit together and bring you the
things you want. This year I suggest you get your asses down to Walmart
before everything is gone.
Sincerely, Santa Claus -
Yet another news interview! Re: Silentlambs
by Valis inmy ear is ringing really loud right now...i just got off the phone w/our very own jesika and she was very excited.
as she proceded to pierce my ear drum she relayed to me that channel 8 news is coming to her house today for an interview...guess what they will be discussing?!!!
it aint the weather that's for sure!.
Jes, is the story still schedule to air next Tuesday night at 10:00? I'm proud of you girl!!! Hugs from auntie Lin!