Jeffro said:
Of course this is another ridiculous part of the story. But the JW claim that 'Satan used the snake like a ventriloquist's dummy' is even stupider because it contradicts the above claim. (The NWT says the serpent was "the most cautious", but the point still applies.) If Satan was 'making' the animal 'speak', any supposed intrinsic characteristic of the animal is entirely irrelevant.
Yeah, the Hebrew word is 'arum', which elsewhere in the Bible is translated as 'crafty', 'clever', 'cautious', or even 'prudent' or 'wise' (that's actually more likely, since the serpent was considered as possessing special insight into the secrets of eternal life, due to its ability to regenerate its skin). Obviously the translation of 'prudent' would be out of line in a Christian translation, since THAT wouldn't fit into the eisegesis of the serpent being Satan!
The 'ventriloquist' explanation is no solution, either, since why does the serpent get cursed by God for being involuntarily possessed (demonized) by Satan? It's no match: a freakin' animal vs Lucifer, the powerful fallen angel!! So the "ventriloquist" explanation becomes more of that "punish the victim" mentality (like how Leviticus 20:15 states that if some horny dude has sex with an animal, BOTH must be put to death. What did the animal do to deserve death!?!? "But God, that ewe came on to me!"....).
What the WT is doing is shot-gunning, throwing a plate of spaghetti against a wall to see if any of it sticks. It doesn't even matter if the ideas are contradictory: it's a buffet, a pick-your-own answer, served up cafeteria-style.
So... what did the legless lizards do wrong???
That's him, that's the culprit who misled Eve! Of course, he had legs BEFORE, but I'd recognize that face anywhere!!
I always thought the Adam and Eve story was an awful long way to go to explain why women are afraid of snakes....
(just like the Flood story was a long way to go for parents to explain to their children where rainbows came from, or the Tower of Babel story was a way to explain where all languages came from, or Adam and Eve story was a way to explain where humans and animals came from, etc. In all cases, the answer is that "God Dun It!".
Ancient peoples can be excused for not knowing any better, as they were only trying to explain the World about them with their ancient myths before science prevailed. But even more gobsmackingly ignorant is that so many modern people still believe in these ancient myths as literal truths, when we have scientific explanations available. It's quite sad, really, since it means most people aren't swayed by logic and reason as much as emotion and believe only what they WANT to believe).