Whahappened, whoops, I guess I forgot something. :) I added subscribe/share buttons to the front page, so thanks for the heads-up!
(I'm not sure if I should add that function to all pages, or just the main page?)
Billy, I also want to know what the animals ever did wrong to piss off God, in the first place. I'm thinking it may have been the fault of those evil oxen, since God made a point to say he'd demand an accounting for ALL spilled blood, with even animals called on the carpet to account for killing other animals. Thus the basis for later passages in Exodus 21:28-35 saying that oxen who kill humans must be stoned to death (along with their owners, if they had prior knowledge of the animal's tendency to gore), and saying what men must do if oxen kill other oxen. God is cracking down on ALL evil!
Although you have to wonder about the predators: would the carnivores get off the hook for the blood they spilled, saying, "But God, as my so-called "Intelligent Designer", you certainly must remember that you MADE me like this?!? Why would you give me fangs, claws, and the enzymes to digest proteins (and not those needed to digest plants) if you didn't expect me to use them?" :)
Blacksheep said:
"Sorry.... didn't read it. Too much for my attention span."
Sorry to hear that, as I tried to keep it short enough to keep interest, but also wanted to provide enough details to satisfy those who want them. It's hard to make any point that's worth making in few words, but that's the whole challenge: finding the right 'mix'.
"Had a go at old time JWs on this one a few weeks ago. Got the stunned mullet look. 120 years of preaching with Jehovah's blessing and not one convert????? There are heaps of nutters with crazy doctrines that have followers. Charlie Manson had more converts than Noah with his 'helter skelter' and he was a right nutcase and it didn't take him 120 years. They agreed."
Yeah, Noah must've had a case of mumble-mouth even worse than Moses', or perhaps he lacked personal charisma such that Noah didn't get ANY converts? Not even an emotionally-needy 'clinger' whom everyone else didn't want to hang out with, LOL?
"Pointed out that Peter's statement only supported the notion that Noah was selected because he was a preacher of righteousness, not that he was given a commission to 'save' anyone by preaching a warning. They had nothing to offer in defence except excuses for a quick exit."
Of course, since God had already DECIDED to kill all mankind BEFORE telling Noah of his plans, then the Greek word used in 2nd Peter which is translated as "preacher" could actually mean "herald",which would imply that Noah was sharing the "bad news" that they were going to be destroyed in a coming Flood and there's absolutely nothing they could do about it. Hence, Noah would be taunting them over their upcoming blind date with death.
That also would be very questionable, even worse than those sanctimonious believers today who KNOW they are going to Heaven, and inform sinners they're going to burn in Hell for an eternity and there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING they can do to change that outcome; remember, Noah KNEW God had already decided on his final condemnation of mankind, so it was all over but the shouting (or drowning).
Not much of God's mercy on display in that rendering, so 2nd Peter makes God out to be even more of a jerk than the Genesis account; that's what trying to force Noah into the role of a "herald" would require.
Blacksheep said:
"The point I was trying to make was that the god their church believes in murders innocent babies and that that wasn't my idea of any god I found 'loveable', or particularly 'godlike'."
I tried to stay away from the "baby killer" thing, since it was going astray of my goal of the article: reexamining Genesis 6 on a verse-by-verse manner to see "who knew what, and when they knew it", showing that it's impossible for Noah to have been saved on account of being a "preacher of righteousness" without contradicting Genesis 6.
But I'll be writing a follow-up article that looks at the story from a slightly-different angle, revealing it's roots in mythology and ancient beliefs.