Qcmbr said:
I suspect we are seeing the moment before the implosion.
Allow me to suggest that you're likely projecting your personal wishes and perspective onto others, and assuming that since YOU'VE personally seen enough evidence you're assuming that OTHERS can see it, too, and will come to the same conclusion as you did. That's a LONG series of assumptions to make, based on the bias of placing rationalism above all.
If I had a pence/pound every time someone predicted the triumph of reason over irrational emotions I'd be a rich man by now. :) Heck, Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet in 1800 called the "Age of Reason", calling for the same thing, and that was over 300 yrs ago.
So why is religion bigger than ever in 2013, where a recent poll shows that 80% of Americans insist that God has to be involved in human evolution?
The "reason" is that religion appeals to MANY OTHER non-rational factors, such as emotions; it's not all about rational thinking for MOST believers. Religions understand that, and that's exactly WHY they use social control measures like shunning, ex-communication, etc, to bolster the goofy thinking.
I know an LDS elder who is an intelligent and highly-educated professional (he's an optometist who prescribes glasses and other optical devices), yet he apparently sees no problem with believing that Joseph Smith used miraculous 'seer stones' to translate Egyptian into English and receive Divine inspirations. This guy deals with optics on a DAILY BASIS, but unless those seer stones were actually prototypes of Google Glasses with an internet connection, it's not a rational belief.
I doubt he actually believes in 'seer stones', but he's acutely aware that he's a member of a cultural sub-group where his patients believe in it and are committed to agreeing to certain beliefs, so he goes along to get along, where part of the price of admission is holding one's mental nose in order to swallow irrational beliefs.
And to think LDS is going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg and admit to being one of a long line of religions that have engaged in an ancient scam flies completely contrary to human nature. It's not IMPOSSIBLE, just that it seems extremely unlikely to me (eg the organizational structure of LDS and JWs with governing bodies is DESIGNED to prevent such an event from happening). Is there ANY major religion which has admitted to being a bunch of hog-wash, or where the person who admitted it wasn't quickly demonized and distanced as an outsider (eg Franz)?
Hence we'll likely see a continuation and/or growth in those religions that decide to modify their theologies to resolve conflicts between rational and non-rational factors, eg by incorporating evolution into their beliefs, while still holding onto belief in a God who kicked off the process. That's the whole goal of 'scientific creationism', easing the dissonance of the more rational and educated believers by insisting on forcing their God into the test-tubes of science in public education, while demanding it still be labeled as 'science'.
The practice of blending new beliefs into the old theology once popular opinion and knowledge of the natural World demands it is called 'syncretism', and it's a trend that's as old as the hills, following quite predictable steps.
Nowadays, it starts when science conclusively shows the sheer silliness of some theologically-based claim or belief (eg God said that men think with their hearts in Genesis, or the Earth was flat, or at the center of the Universe, or has a dome-shaped solid firmament, etc). Then when that position is shown as being silly and contradictory to scientific evidence (eg brain, not heart was shown in 400BC to be center of cognition by Hippocrates), the fallback position then becomes claiming it was only a metaphorical belief or poetic use, and not meant as literal truth. Jesus didn't LITERALLY mean that hand-washing before eating didn't have any benefits, etc.
The downgrading of claims of literal truths into metaphorical/spiritual truths/figures of speech will hopefully continue, until HOPEFULLY someday the entire Bible may be realized to be metaphorical (at which point a new religion is likely to have taken it's place, and filled that niche or void).
You'd think the process of reason triumphing over emotion and superstition would be complete by 2013, but as I said in another thread, the existence of groups like the Flat Earth Society seems to suggest there's still a long way to go.