I change my vote...
One vote for Mr Moe's country - that was COLD!
american, english, australasian or other?
spanneredited by - spannerintheworks on 20 november 2002 15:7:40.
I change my vote...
One vote for Mr Moe's country - that was COLD!
american, english, australasian or other?
spanneredited by - spannerintheworks on 20 november 2002 15:7:40.
Penquins and Polar Bears - and how come everyone forgets Canadians or lump them in "others" all the time?????
we moved to a new area, bought a house in the country to be closer to cc's office.
i left a good business *hair stylist and make-up artist*.
i haven't worked in about 2 years.
Don't listen to any of them. My dear wife doesn't work outside the home and I wouldn't have it anyother way. She's happy (OK we'll wait for her reply), the kid's happy and I love it this way. Also, I want to be the only one coming home and kicking the cat (GAWD I HATE CATS! - oops wrong thread)...really, live your life so you're happy, 'cuz I've found when my wife is happy everyone else in the house is happy too! And that's what it is all about; everyone being happy, right???????????????????????????
i need some advice on this one: a friend of mine who is still an active jw called me today all freaked out because another friend of hers, who only got baptized this summer, wants to leave "the truth".
this is because she's been talking to "worldly" people and they've almost got her convinced that the religion is a cult.. .
my girlfriend, sarah says of course, that this is "satan" trying to blind her, etc.
The thing that struck me was that you may be talking to the wrong person. IMPO you should be talking with Sarah's friend who is looking to get out. Maybe point her to here, the CofC book...but at least talk with the friend. As for Sarah, or anyone else, follow your heart and that quiet voice that whispers to you to do the "right" thing.
Starry Starry Night - Vonda Shepard's remake (brings back memories of a 15 year old girl who understood the lyrics and acted on them - wish I would've known then what I know now....)
i'm making it official.
i'm addicted!
someone once said to me that admitting it is solving half of the problem, and i can live with the other half... lol.
ok, who shares the same domicile with another poster here?
i'm with...maybe i'd better let her reveal that.
or should we make it a game and try to guess who??????????????
OK, who shares the same domicile with another poster here? I'm with...maybe I'd better let her reveal that. Or should we make it a game and try to guess who???????????????
i personally feel that the single biggest problem in modern society, is the lack of taking personal responsibility for our own actions.
i think that as a culture we have allowed people the room to make excuse after excuse, and accept these as something that should be legit.
well w e see kids raised in families that love them, feed them, take care of them to the best of their means.
And we could all start right here by accepting responsibility for getting in the WT and staying for as long as we have...and the problems that result. OK, I agree things like child and spouse abuse are definitely caused by others. On the other hand, we were the ones who only read the Watchtower literature, didn't check the sources, shunned all those bad a1s apostates, etc...responsibility and accountablity are hard pills to swallow when you come to realize its you (and me) that have to be that way. Great post - let the debate begin!
Gotta get back to work - 17 minute coffee break is over.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhh...or she'll remember I owe her one. Wait, she never gets this far into the different forums so I can confess the roadtrip we took probably didn't count...OK everybody, hurry up and post some great ones so I can come up with the winner and be her hero again!
my site (
) has been visited by people from 97 different countries.
WOW - me too............................