We moved to a new area, bought a house in the country to be closer to CC's office. I left a good business *hair stylist and make-up artist*. I haven't worked in about 2 years. We could always use the extra money, but now I find myself in this comfort zone that I don't want to get out of. I don't want to go back to doing hair and make-up. After 20 years in the business I'm burned out. I'd like to find something to do to make alittle extra money, but I don't have a clue of what I could do! I don't have the training to do anything else, and I really don't want to go somewhere and work for minimin wage. Everyone seems to work these day's and it's hard to *not* feel guilty for staying home! Even though I get bored at times, I still like the fact that if there's something that I want to do, I can do it and I don't have to check a work schedule. I also get some ragging about not working. I don't know if it's because we don't have children, and people feel it isn't necessary that I stay home! Has anyone ever found themselves in this kind of position? In a place where you don't know what to do? You like being at home, but feel you're missing something by not working? Can't help but feel quilty because you're not working? Feel like you're in this comfort zone and don't want to step out of it? Could I be going through a midlife crisis! Can I get a passion for something out there? And if so, how do I do it!!!
A Midlife Crisis?
by Tinkerbell4125 34 Replies latest jw friends
Go to your local college and sign up for some classes.Thats what i would do.You apparently do have more skills than you think... you can operate a computer for one....that covers alot of ground.Surely something sparks your interest....photography ...cooking...sewing ect.ect. Make it an adventure!!!
I think you should be out Pioneering more! This would solve your question as to what to do.....you NEVER get bored out in field service! And putting in 120 hours a month would make you feel sooooo good!
Yep........don't even think of doing something as WORLDLY as wanting to have a job, that is very materialistic of you, and is a sign that Satan is working on you. Why feel guilty for not working? You should obviously feel guilty for not getting enough service hours in every month.
lol! I'm being sarcastic, of course. :)
Don't listen to any of them. My dear wife doesn't work outside the home and I wouldn't have it anyother way. She's happy (OK we'll wait for her reply), the kid's happy and I love it this way. Also, I want to be the only one coming home and kicking the cat (GAWD I HATE CATS! - oops wrong thread)...really, live your life so you're happy, 'cuz I've found when my wife is happy everyone else in the house is happy too! And that's what it is all about; everyone being happy, right???????????????????????????
Going to school is a great idea. Poke around in various subjects and see what you like.
Another possibility is selling real estate. I don't know where you are, but some parts of the country home sales are doing well. A broker in your area can tell you what you need to do to get started.
C'mon Tink, suck it up and be a man. Buy yourself a red corvette and start an affair with CC's little brother.
BadJerry, did you kick my cat - he doesn't look too well:
LOL you guys are funny!!!! Red corvett, now that hurt me!!!!
CC loves me being home, and believe me there's enough around here to keep me busy all the time. It's just that I've always worked and I feel guilty because I'm not working! I think society bases too much importance on the almighty dollar and people value themselves on how much they make. I've always been a go-geter, working my butt off....I think I'm just in a rut right now, I'm sure it will pass soon!
jjrizo, I have you know, that I don't just hang around this board all the time, thank you! You can keep your smart ass advice to yourself next time!
I'm in kinda the same boat. I'm writing a book and if it goes over, I'll write another. Going back to school is a good idea, especially if it's a junior college and you go as a transient student and don't declare a major. You just take whatever course looks interesting and when you run across anything that really rings your chimes you can persue it. You are young, I see, so you've got plenty of time to find something else you like. Or you can start another business. Or you can start a business online. Find something to sell online and go for it. Lots of opportunity.
If anyone understands what you are feeling, I do!
I've ALWAYS felt that my home is my comfort zone and I was always happy to be home. I always felt as if I was busy and fine just to stay home and cook and clean the house to make it just as comfortable for my family who saw it as "home" too. I wish I could just stay at home all the time. My home is were I'm the happiest. But I also feel guilt if I'm only giving my all personally and not financialy to it. If it were possible to stay at home and do all the work it takes to keep a home a home, and to do it guilt free, my life would be perfect. Not because I don't want to go into the outside world and and work. But just because I would not have to deal with the stress that goes along with outside work. I guess that's what the physical time outside/money compensates for.
I don't need the compensation. But at the same time, without the compensation comes the guilt.
Sometimes I wish I were living back in the 40s/50s. Not because I disagree with women's liberation, but because now it's a guilt trip and there seems to be no liberation. If a woman wants to stay at home and be a "homemaker" as the word goes, she's viewed as "lazy".
That is why you feel guilty for being yourself and wanting to just stay at home and make home a comfortable place to be for yourself and CC.
that's my 2 cents.
Edited by - somebody on 20 November 2002 16:50:10
Edited by - somebody on 20 November 2002 16:51:57